Infographic: Micro-change your habits

themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
We've been encouraging you to make small, incremental changes away from the chair. Look for opportunities to move more throughout your day while focusing on just "one thing" to prioritize for now. One thing that you'll keep on doing long after Sit Less Boot Camp is over.

Making small, modest changes that stick is also the recommendation of Dr. Mike Evans in this "Change Chart". And it's equally appropriate for weight loss as it is for becoming more active.

Dr. Evans has a series of whiteboard videos and they are all interesting, informative and entertaining. My favorite is
"23 and1/2 hours" but all of his videos that I've seen have been excellent.

Micro-change your habits and you will macro-change your life!

Here is his Change Chart:



  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    I adopted this outlook this time around & it's making a difference. In July instead of trying to log, work-out daily, join a gym, restrict my diet, etc., I simply focused on logging everything, every day. I then started walking every other day - I didn't even set a time or distance goal. Each month I challenge myself to commit to something new. I think I'm developing a few good habits without suffering from burn-out!

    Thanks for sharing.