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  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    Hi everybody! I started using MFP in April 2014, and by September 2015, I had lost 80 pounds (towards my goal of 90 pounds). Then, I had a crazy year of planning my wedding, getting married, and recently just got back from my honeymoon.

    All the stress has led me to gain back 25 pounds. I'd like to lose 15 by the end of 2016, so that I can set my 2017 goal to be losing the last 20 pounds once and for all!
  • AuntKeke1315
    AuntKeke1315 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! I'm Kerri. I'm 28 years old and recently became a mother on October 23rd. He is my biggest inspiration. I want to be healthy for him so that I can be around for a long time!
    I started on MFP in 2012. It was the first time that I got serious about my weight loss. That year, I lost over 70lbs and I felt great! Unfortunately, life happened, and after a while I started to put the weight back on. I only gained about 25 pounds with my pregnancy, and I'm at 236.8 now after losing most of it. I'm determined to lose it again and get down to 150 (or around). I nearly did it a few years ago and I'm excited to do it again!
    Please add me if you want a friend for some extra encouragement. :) This 15lbs by Jan. 1st is going to be a great start to get me going!
  • meghanelise8
    meghanelise8 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey everyone, my names Meg. I'm a 24 year old nursing student from Texas. I was in a contest with family for two months and lost 25 lbs however I fell off the wagon and have gained back 10 lbs. I'm new to MFP, so this is my first challenge. I'm trying to lose 50lbs by my birthday in March so this is a great motivator. Feel free to add me if you'd like a motivational friend. :)
  • LadyScorpio67
    LadyScorpio67 Posts: 247 Member
    Hi there! I'm Kristal and have been with this challenge group for a year and a half now. It's a fabulous bunch of people and so glad I found them!
    I failed the last challenge miserable as life seemed to decide to come at me 10 fold. Still have a lot going on between work and personal life, but I'm determined to keep connected to my MFP Friends and Groups, even though it isn't as much as I'd like right now. But it is what keeps me hanging on and know that this will all be done with at some point.
    With that being said, I am up about 15 lbs., and need to get that back off so I can start 2017 fresh.
    My challenges right now are:
    • Family Cruise in 1 1/2 weeks
    • Coming back to the Holidays
    • Transition going on at work with only a weeks notice
    • Travelling for work

    It's going to be tough, but I will be doing what I can to make it happen.

    Good luck everyone!!
  • beachbriel
    beachbriel Posts: 70 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am very pleased to find this group. I have been active on MFP off and on for years, like many of you. I do better when logging my calories. I took a 3-month break from MFP and my fitibit, while I moved and had financial difficulties... Guess what? I gained 17 lbs per the doctor yesterday. Instead of freaking out, I am getting back on the wagon.

    My highest weight was 245 pregnant. I got down to 174, and then just gained and am back at 192. I am mentally ready to do this. It is either get back to a healthy lifestyle, or gain a lot of weight and feel awful. Originally, I found a scale depressing. Now, I need to get one bc I didn't really notice my weight gain until I was probably in over 10 lbs.

    How wonderful would it be to start the new year lighter???

    We can do this!
  • Only_Today
    Only_Today Posts: 28 Member
    edited November 2016
    Judy from New Jersey and fairly new to MFP and very new to groups. Up and down my whole life and really tired of not breaking through the 200 barrier. Down almost 30 already and these 15 will put me at my first mini goal and only 20 lbs away from that darn barrier.

    Just started MFP after being on WW. I needed a change and I'm enjoying the tracking with calories and learning lots about myself!
  • cyborgnomore
    cyborgnomore Posts: 2 Member
    Hello. First post. First challenge. I've been serious about my weight loss journey since Feb. 2015. Not a fan of the scale since my weight fluctuates so much, more of a mirror, tape measurement fan. I weight train 3X a week, 6 mile walks 2-3X, and do Bikram yoga 5x a week. I been doing 18/6 IF for the last 17 months. Hoping to lose more body fat during this challenge and become more vigilant about my weekend eating.
  • ael0407
    ael0407 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, I'm Amy and I'm new to this too. I have recently lost 25 pounds but I'm having a hard time losing any more. I have about 30 more to go and hoping this group pushes me to do so.
  • btrsun10
    btrsun10 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi I'm Janet from Northern Ireland. I'm 45 and currently 30 lbs away from my goal weight of 125.
    I'm a single mum who loves to work out, lifting heavy weights and walking.
    I've been on mfp before under a different name with very little success. I didn't really try to be honest and never used any of the brilliant resources I've now discovered.
    I'm LCHF.....don't hate me lol. It works for me.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Bex60826
    Bex60826 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Bex, and I live in Scotland. I'm 27, and would really love to be able to go into my 30s at my goal weight which is around 60lbs lighter!
    In February of last year I joined up and successfully lost around 30lbs in a few months - however, during that time, I met a new boyfriend and started a new job, and things just fell by the wayside, as they tend to do. Now, we're on a "relationship break" due to outside stresses, and I really want to take the time to get back into doing "me" things!
    Hopefully this group will help as far as accountability goes - and I'm always looking for new friends to feel free to add me :smiley:
  • sandrachis
    sandrachis Posts: 52 Member
    Hello everyone. I just finished a 30 day challenge and it was great. Getting over a heel injury but was able to do 60 minutes yoga this A M. I sing and have to have strong thighs, abs, and lungs. I haven't been able to lose much and Doctor says it's muscle but I know it is diet-lots of exercise and lots of pastry. So I'm back to be honest, forget about the election and survive the holidays. Here's to good health in 2017.
  • bahbedwire
    bahbedwire Posts: 95 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi everybody. I am Barbara from Australia. I have used this fitness group before in 2014/2015. I Lost about 20lbs and would like to get at it again.

    Good luck everyone, and let's stay healthy!
  • ATVer
    ATVer Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! Love seeing you all, from all over the world! I'm in Colorado.

    I've used MFP off and on for several years. Great place! Helps me to get back in check with reality. Just started again about a week ago. I could not believe how many calories I've been mindlessly eating! Add in a back injury and a whole lot of stress and BAM I'm up 25 lbs. Need to get a handle on it. No more excuses!

    Let's win this challenge!! B)
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Hi I'm Lyn from the USA. I am 65, have arthritis pretty seriously in my knees and ankles. Been on MFP in the past and lost almost 50 lbs. but I stopped logging and gained it all back. I have no control over portions and sweets. So now I'm doing nurtirsystem where my portions are controlled and I still get some sweetness. So far I am sticking strictly to the plan and have lost 17 lbs since Sept 24. I can't keep buying this food but I will till I feel confident with the portions and this time I am going to log my meals for the rest of my life. Going to see a PT to see which exercises I can do at gym without injuring my knees further. I am trying to avoid any knee surgery.
  • Misschuchii
    Misschuchii Posts: 23 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Katrina! I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and one point away from bring a diabetic! I have heartburn everyday and sleep with pillows under my legs from my hips! I have a 2 year old and want to show him there is more in life than watching movies and video games I want to be an active mommy! Feel free to add me as well :)
  • Mspmpayne
    Mspmpayne Posts: 267 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hi, I'm Paula from south Florida. I'm 60 and have been in Kay's challenges before. Last one was a bust for me. LOL. I have been on MFP several years. I started at 285 and dropped down to 150. I have had one too many vacations lately and am up to 182.5, but I want to get back down to 150. It was a little hard to maintain that because I do weight training as my form of exercise, 150 is a little lean for that. But if I can get back to the 155-165 range I think that would be perfect for me. Looking forward to this challenge. Good luck everyone!!!
  • kwarnerphoto
    kwarnerphoto Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! Brand new member here, just downloaded the app a few days ago at the advice of my health coach. This is only my second post ever! Down 2 lbs which I'm sure is all water weight but hey its something! Starting weight is 318 and I'm at 316 now so needless to say I've got a ways to go but I can't wait!
  • bhurley1424
    bhurley1424 Posts: 927 Member
    Hi, I'm Bridgette from TX. Back to MFP after falling off the track a year or so ago. I lost a bunch of weight about 4 years ago but it's found it's way back, I hit a point where I could not lose anything and kept gaining so I gave up. Enough is enough - time to take back my life! :)
  • pvkumar27
    pvkumar27 Posts: 5 Member
    I want loose min of 30lbs
  • jackievera
    jackievera Posts: 27 Member
    Hi my name is Jacqueline, and I am an emotional eater, but lately, I have been taking control over my eating habits. I am from Virginia and I am 27. I have struggled with my weight all my life, but now I am getting better. I joined this challenge because I feel like it would motivate me because I am not doing it alone. I am always interested in talking to people that can relate.