There is Hope for the severe pain of back problems

astattonhunt Posts: 10 Member
Ruptured discs, Pars defect, SI joint cartilage problems, compression fracture of the T9 vertebra. But there is hope!

I have all of the back issues listed above, plus arthritis, and fibromyalgia. On top of that I have arthritis in my knees and due to a fall have had to have surgery on my left knee leaving me unable to walk up and down stairs, hills, or ramps.

All of this may sound awful and for the last 6 years I've let it hold me back and in some cases stop me all together.

I am finally getting some help in the form of steroid shots in my back, it is helping the pain so much I finally feel like I can do more and start a diet and exercise program. After a fall at work that damaged the cartilage in my SI joints I received my first two shots, I didn't think it had helped but I soon found out it had and that the pain from my L5 S1 was making me think it hadn't. Then they did my first shot in my L5 S1 I went 6 days with no pain, I had another shot on the 10th and the pain has reduced even more, I have one more shot scheduled for my L5 S1 and am praying that it will be enough to hold off the pain for a few months. It's temporary, but if it relieves the pain enough for me to be able to exercise and lose enough weight then I may be able to have less and less pain and avoid surgery in the future.

My surgeon believes that if I don't lose the weight I will be facing surgery without a doubt and the recovery will be much harder with that added stress of the 100+ pounds I've gained since the original accident.

I write this post to give others hope, If you haven't tried pain management, thinking nothing can help, I'm here to tell you even temporary relief from the amount of pain I was in is like getting a pardon from hell. I went from barely being able to stand for 2 minutes, yes that's 2 minutes, to being able to cook a meal and stand for 20 minutes. That is just from the shots.

I know with diet and exercise I can strengthen my core and back, and I'll some day have my life back! Please don't ever give up hope!

