body fat

tenreps Posts: 136 Member
Hi guys, just wanted to share something with everyone, the last time I measured my BF it was 14%, that was 4/15/16 today it is 12.5%. I weigh in daily and it has been up and down by 1LB, point I am making here is that the scale should always be used but some kind of fat measuring should also be taken in, because the scale will not show a fat lose just all body weight.

PS I use calipers.


  • mikehikemike
    mikehikemike Posts: 3,471 Member
    This gives another good perspective. I remember 15 years ago when I was in cardio rehab after my bypass, they did a BF measurement on us with some kind of detector they pressed on your arm. I forget what mine was... Same time that I first joined WW. I remember thinking how a pound of fat looks like a box of butter, and how many boxes I must have had in my "larder".

    Also, water weighs 8#/ gallon. I eventually lost 47# and thought how much easier walking was without carrying around a 5 gallon jug of water on my back.
  • manladdvm
    manladdvm Posts: 8,699 Member
    12.5% is really low! Under 50, congrats! Over 50, be careful! I got down to 15% by under water weighing at age 47 and was pretty ripped. Most gyms have someone who either does calipers or bioelectric impedance (using electrodes in multiple areas of your body). Lots of people swear by the calipers.
  • podkey
    podkey Posts: 5,105 Member
    I have had mine taken by both calipers and under water testing years ago. Coincidentally they showed about the same results. I am currently doing more of the old-fashion can I "pinch an inch" and am not ripped. I am comfortably under the 1" mark more or less.

    Nice job.
  • tenreps
    tenreps Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks guys, yes it works for me but again I don't think the calipers are the best way, but I look more at the decrease in numbers.