

  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    Hey all, glad to see we have made it! I have been feeling horrible, and so have the kids, not sleeping regular as everyone coughs themselves awake, even had my daughter have an asthma attack. I have been walking to get some minutes in, doing some stairs (hovering at 648, will make certain to complete tomorrow) thought i would be up to the dancing videos today, but had a nice 3 hour nap with the kids instead... so will have to buck up and get that done sometime... working at the office again tomorrow (might be able to head out early to get the dancing in) if the kids are not sick, we have paw patrol halloween plans for saturday, and sunday a fun day / schooling show at the horse barn with their ponies.... so not sure the dancing will happen over the weekend, unless of course they are super sick and we do nothing. time will tell, hope everyone is doing great!! And have been no late night snacking here... only tea and more tea and more tea, so i know i will at least get two/three bonus rounds.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey guys. No workout minutes for me - I thought I'd get to dance with me nephew when I went to my parents' house but he wasn't feeling well. I'll finish them sometime this weekend. I did finish the stairs today and day 4/5 no snacking. Since I eat dinner late and go to bed early, I decided my challenge would be a 20 minute window after dinner. If I don't feel like snack/dessert after 20 minutes then I clearly don't need one and won't eat. It's working well! Hope everyone is doing well. @Cheriels82 hope you and the kids get better!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys! I'm at 433 on the stairs. Very little exercise today due to a late meeting.
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Update for me: nice numbers today.
    Challenge 1-will do it tomorrow sometime
    Challenge 2-770/700 steps-completed. Thanks to going to Busch gardens today (kids section) and a mini stepper I did it all today.
    Challenge 3-4/5 days no snacking.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Just checkin in (aka gettin a walk in).
    I haven't done my totals yet (yes, means I haven't unpacked) but I have a rough less-than guesstimate based on mostly the cardio I remember. I feel like I'm killing it this week! Or vice versa. Haha. I've been really hungry too!
    Anywhat, my subtotal is 874 min. I'll update and itemize when I get a minute to unpack.
    Dishes, cats, get dressed, and out the door to dance cause... There's always time to dance! :)
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    448 steps as of this morning....... should be done by Sunday. Happy Friday all.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey guys, I had a good/bad day yesterday - up to 652 stairs. Will finish that challenge today. Bad part - snacked at night. I had people over and put out some snacks (chips). I sat far away from first. Yeah, they drew me in, so I am still at 2/5 days. There is a chance to complete this...still have 3 days! I did have an active day though - logged 69 minutes of activity!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good morning all. I checked my stair math last night and I was already up to 990 steps, so I guess I'll add that one to the spreadsheet! It really does feel like cheating when you live in a two storey house with laundry in the basement! @enuf200, I still need these last three days as well for the no snacking challenge.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    edited October 2016
    Another busy day today but I will get minutes in. I added my points for the stairs and tonight will be day 5 for no snacking so I'll add that on tomorrow. We are up to 4th place! I think we can keep climbing :)@enuf200 it's so hard to resist snacks when you're the one to put them out! You can (both) do it though - like you said, you still have 3 days!

    @francaisluvr how have you been doing this week?

    @smile_laughter and @samra338 I saw that you're both in the HP challenge, too! This is my first time in that one - now we're teammates and rivals! This could get interesting :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @BJerzy, you and I think alike. I just now finished sending @francaisluvr a message asking if she's still with us!
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Ha ha....hope you like HP challenge @BJerzy

    I am 3/5 on the snacking and still have to count the stairs and update minutes.
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey everybody!

    I did not exercise yesterday. I'm trying to make up for that today. Just finished doing the rest my step ups for the second challenge! In a few minutes I'm going to get on the treadmill and walk for about 30 minutes.

    Tonight is the last night for my no snacking challenge! So far so good! I'll add those on tomorrow!

    Keep up the great work team!! :smile:
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hey team.. great job this week! I'm kind of quiet... did get stairs in --going up for me and up for my crutches kid doubled my steps this week and made this one easy. Especially when he forgets his watch then his shoe - only wears one and so on.. I stopped count at 800 for the week.

    I'm calling it a night as I'm beat so 5/5 on no snacking late.

    No videos and no formal exercise but counted 60 as day based on my nursing needs of the little guy.. figure 150lbs helping in and out up and down...over the day along with his exercises gives me that.. along with my steps of course.

    We are headed to the woods tomorrow so will wait to see how long this takes us to get our stands up... and how much effort mama has to use as we have one less to do it. Usually I'm a sweaty mess when we are all done!

    We are taking little guy to visit and cheer on his team Sunday so hoping to get videos in sat evening if I have energy left.

    Have a great weekend!

    looking forward to next week.. hoping to get backbone a better schedule as soon as we have the okay for little guy to do more!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey everyone! Not much exercise this week, but I plan to hit the gym this weekend as well as do a bunch of cleaning--some will surely be sweat inducing (scrubbing bathroom).

    I've finished the snacking challenge, so I will add that tonight. Stairs are up to 550--I have no stairs at home, so I will hit the stairmaster for the rest.
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    Hi everyone!! I completed 5/5 no snacking, yay!!! I will complete videos/dancing and step up stairs tomorrow, maybe Sunday with stairs. Sorry I haven't been on much this week, busier than normal lately. I started physical therapy for my ankle on Thursday and looking forward to positive results!

    I'm committing to at least 100 minutes on both Saturday and Sunday :)
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I'm in the Harry Potter challenge too and the game of thrones challenge I do like a challenge. I finished the step challenge but I don't think I can complete the snack challenge. We are on holiday so having a glass of wine at night I assume that counts as a snack. I'll do the dance challenge when I get home Sunday no room to dance in a caravan.
  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning everyone!
    I was exhausted last night, which helped with the no snack challenge -Day 3/5! I went to bed by 8pm. Maybe even earlier, i don't even know. It's been crazy at work and I was busy 3 nights this week. Other than a quick 10 minute walk, I didn't get any intentional exercise in yesterday. So sorry team :(
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Good morning. Finished the 5 days of no snacking-woohoo! Only one I have left is the dancing. Didn't get around to it yesterday, or working out for that matter-had lots of things come at me.

    I'm pretty exhausted today since my daughter seemed to have to deal with a fever and a hurting tummy last night which meant little sleep for me. Looking positive today and gonna keep trucking. Will get some exercise in and the dancing done before Sunday.
  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    BJerzy wrote: »
    Another busy day today but I will get minutes in. I added my points for the stairs and tonight will be day 5 for no snacking so I'll add that on tomorrow. We are up to 4th place! I think we can keep climbing :)@enuf200 it's so hard to resist snacks when you're the one to put them out! You can (both) do it though - like you said, you still have 3 days!

    @francaisluvr how have you been doing this week?

    @smile_laughter and @samra338 I saw that you're both in the HP challenge, too! This is my first time in that one - now we're teammates and rivals! This could get interesting :)

    Hogwarts challenge is awesome. I absolutely loved last term. I hope you enjoy it, too.