

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,417 Member
    I am thankful for a new start for my adopted country with our new president. My 401K is growing all thanks to the surge in the markets :)
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    I am so thankful for everything I have right now, because the last year had presented many challenges. The main was that my fiance moved 7 hours away a month before our wedding because he was relocated for a job and we lived apart for 10 months. Now we have moved to Philly and live together again. I love living in the city and now we're also so close to my family. After my sister-in-law had her baby in Oct, we now have 4 handsome nephews. His parents retired so we are also seeing a lot of them (I love my in-laws. I'm very lucky and that's another thing I'm thankful for). I easily found a new job when we moved, and at the end of every day I am truly thankful.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and enjoyed spending some quality time with family, not to mention the yummy food! As for the Amazing Race, there are only 3 days left in this week and we are only 39% of the way to New York! Yikes!
  • glossysweetums
    glossysweetums Posts: 121 Member
    Did my 5k in steps today by going to a theme park with my family and walking a ton! Also I wanted to say that I am thankful for so many things in my life. I am thankful for my family and their health, I am thankful for my friends that surround me and even shared and invited my family to dinner, especially since we have no family living anywhere near us. I'm thankful for the fact that I have a wonderful relationship with my grandmother and that my grandparents are still here and together even though he will be moving to a home soon due to his Alzheimer's and dementia.

    I'm thankful that we were able to explore outside of our own country (Canada) and currently live in warm beautiful Florida. I'm thankful that my husband has a nice job that gives us a nice house and provides us things. I am thankful for the people in the world that do things and make things happen for the good of people and animals that I can't do. Those voices that speak up, those voices and people that make change happen and save lives.

    Aside from all those thanks I have that I wanted to share, I'm getting my numbers back up after a lull from last week so yay. Only challenge I have left is the rockettes one.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! It's been a slow week for me exercise-wise, but I did my 5k today. I do a Turkey Trot every year on Thanksgiving, so that was already in my plans. This year, I haven't been running much lately and went out with my sister Wednesday night, so I wasn't sure how I would feel or what kind of pace I would be able to pull off. I was very happy to finish in about 37 minutes--a little slower than usual, but not bad considering my lack of recent training.

    I honestly hadn't even looked at this week's challenges until tonight, so I will get started on the Rockette challenge tomorrow--that way I can still follow the rules and spread it out over 3 days.

    I'm thankful for my family. I have parents who've supported me my entire life--even as a kid, when my choices were odd or just plain silly, they always have let me be me. I also have two wonderful sisters who I wouldn't trade for the world--they are truly my best friends. I also have a smart and sassy niece who I love to pieces--she's a pill sometimes, but I try hard to let her be her. I also have a terrific husband, and I 'm thankful that we have a relatively comfortable life working in jobs we both enjoy. Finally, I'm thankful for my gorgeous fur-kid, my dog Gunner. He gets me off the couch and out the door, even when I'm less than motivated. He's also available for cuddles at a moment's notice.
  • tuffgirl19
    tuffgirl19 Posts: 771 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am very thankful for my family. We've had a really nice experience living in VA for the last year and a half on our family journey together. I'm very proud of our boys for staying positive and taking full advantage of the opportunities here. We've made some really good friends here and we have lots of fun memories to look back on. My husband and I, our two boys and our cat Tuffy are ready to move back home! We're all looking forward to spending the Christmas holidays with our extended family on our way back to LV! I'm also very thankful for my fit fam friends and the encouragement, positive attitudes and laughs we share together! :)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Good afternoon, team. I just finished the Rockette stretches. Yes, I did them all in one day, but I took breaks between sets. I used my den and front hall as my "room". It took roughly six minutes to do a set. So 18 minutes total! Your "room" may even be smaller, so it will take you less time to complete! Yes, I am trying to sell these, as not many of you have done them yet! I also went for a 32 minute walk and marched in place to the two New York videos for a total of 57 minutes of exercise today. We are still only 55% of the way there!!

  • smile_laughter
    smile_laughter Posts: 3,682 Member
    Just finished the rocket workout. Did other workouts this morning and may get another one in tonight. I hope everyone is doing well. We definitely need to get our times in. We are way behind.

    Have a great day.
  • RunRaineyRun
    RunRaineyRun Posts: 301 Member
    I am thankful for my family and friends. I would be lost without my parents and my dad's recent double hip operation brought it home that they are not invincible (dad has always been fit, he's basically just worn them down from tennis and squash, lol, 67 and puts me to shame!). Mum and dad have always been there for me no matter what and my friends don't judge me, I can be as weird as I like and it's just like looking in a mirror.
    I feel oddly emotional... thanks, Mother Nature LOL.
  • Cheriels82
    Cheriels82 Posts: 363 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Good afternoon, team. I just finished the Rockette stretches. Yes, I did them all in one day, but I took breaks between sets. I used my den and front hall as my "room". It took roughly six minutes to do a set. So 18 minutes total! Your "room" may even be smaller, so it will take you less time to complete! Yes, I am trying to sell these, as not many of you have done them yet! I also went for a 32 minute walk and marched in place to the two New York videos for a total of 57 minutes of exercise today. We are still only 55% of the way there!!


    Can't believe you did them all on one day! Will complete my third set tomorrow with my weight training phew

    And yikes do we end our amamzing race if we fail to make it to a destination ?!?! I have been to New York maybe that's why I haven't been rushing but I want to travel some more so come on guys! Hopefully a bunch of you are just celebrating and will check in before the weekend is over.
    Hope everyone south of me (I live at the boarder ) are having a great thanksgiving.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys-
    Sorry, not too many minutes today, but I did the first of my three sets of Rockette stretches. I doubt I will get many minutes in over the next few days. Not sure this format works as well for me when I'm not off for the summer. I'm finding that during the school year, I need to burn maximum calories in minimum time when I do have time for a workout. So rather than an hour of walking, I opt to do a quick run or HIIT workout. I wish there was a week when we could log calories burned vs. minutes. I know I would definitely be a bigger help to the team if that were the case.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    Alright then.. I LOVE NEW YORK!!! I'll touch more on this later this weekend.
    For now.

    Through powers that have calmed my control and given me more focus I thought I'd pop in and drop some minutes off.
    I really did take time off from calculating.. And am still taking the remainder of this week off for most things BUT... I could verify a
    63 min walk on Monday. Then
    440 Tues-Wed (up two days)
    240 Wed to Thur
    50 133
    124 Fri night

    Challenge 1 is done! Times two really. Although, I did the Pilgrims Promenade version. :)
    Inside- Closer to the 15k
    Outside- 5k, in boots.. That still counts right? ;)

    Challenge 2- Oh yeah, I was a Synchronized Rockette On Point! Bahaha! I'll need to work on this one a tad more. They'll be "my version" but I'll get them done.

    Challenge 3- This is a tough one for me this week. I have a lot of good coming upon me and good things growing around me, At the same time I have a handful of bad about me as well as even more bad things taking place around me. ... I am thankful for will.

  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    I apologize for my necessary absence and thank anyone for understanding.
    It was a really good experiment I think.
    I'm not quite finished with myself yet. ;)
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Thank you @Dictorbutt for posting some numbers on your own, without me intruding on your necessary absence. With these posted, we are 91% of the way to New York! Good luck on your personal introspection and I hope the experiment yields enlightening results.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,174 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Thank you @Dictorbutt for posting some numbers on your own, without me intruding on your necessary absence. With these posted, we are 91% of the way to New York! Good luck on your personal introspection and I hope the experiment yields enlightening results.

    Thank You for all your kind words and incredible support! I can't take all the credit tho. I was inspired earlier in the week by some AMAZING people!!
    This Race is Awesome!
    This team is Awesome!!

    Only 9% to go!! Come on Team 3!! We got this!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound, I have had the same thought as you, that quick, efficient workouts are not rewarded in this format. It is, however, great to get people moving who are otherwise sedentary or "hit and miss" when it comes to exercising. Just do the workouts that are best for you, and don't worry about totals. That's why there are 21 team members to get the job done!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Still 7 team mates with no minutes entered!!!!!!

    95% of the way there! It would be nice to get to New York tonight so we have all day tomorrow to enjoy the sites!
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Okay team been mia this week on this thread but have been exercising and trying to stay on track. Will log numbers next. Lots of cooking some eating and tons of family time. Been doing some cyber shopping and deer hunting. Yeah they go together well!

    What I am thankful for this year is my family. With my mom heading down a road of unknown(no official diagnosis but memory isnt right... ) and my fil just getting out of hospital day before Thanksgiving, family gatherings meant a little more. I'm also thankful my kids are old enough to know and understand and most importantly have these memories forever as they aren't too little (like my nieces and nephews). Loved having my mom, my sil, my daughter and my niece in the kitchen with me on Thursdsy. Made my chores go a bit faster and love the little hands helper! So hug your family hold them tight... and yeah even drag them in the woods and up a tree if thats what family time means! <3
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Just finished logging and we are in New York!!! . 102.06%
  • twitch82
    twitch82 Posts: 119 Member
    Sorry I have been mia. Things have been real crazy lately with searching for a new job and with the holidays. Hopefully next week I will be on more.

    I'm thankful for my family. They have really been supportive of me during these last few months while I have been going through hard times.