MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
edited October 2016 in Social Groups
Here is the link for the only spreadsheet that you'll need for the race. You will find your team among the Tabs at the bottom of the sheet.

Please let MissionEnforcer know if you have any problems. You can E-Mail me directly, or ask a question on the "QUESTIONS & ANSWERS" Thread, located under announcements, in the Main Group Site (same place as this was found).


THE WEEKLY SPREADSHEETS WILL LOCK & CLOSE EACH SUNDAY NIGHT AT 9:00 p.m. PDT! The new week's spreadsheet will become available probably not before midnight Pacific Time, but as soon as possible Monday morning (hopefully before it's needed in Europe).

About the Spreadsheet:

The spreadsheet uses "Google Sheets" If you're using a PC you should have no problem at all accessing the spreadsheet. Simply click on the above link, and you should be there. Bookmark this link for easy access, as you will need it for the entire Race.

Using a smartphone to access the spreadsheet:

Method 1:

1) First off, you need to have "Google Sheets" on your phone. If it's an Android Phone, download it from "Google Play" If it's an iphone, download it from "itunes".

2) Type (or copy/paste) the spreadsheet address :

into your phones internet browser. This will usually get it into "Sheets". After that, it's easiest to click on "Sheets" each time and choose the picture of the spreadsheet, rather than access it through MFP (you also get a faster and complete version (all lines and graphics intact).

Method 2:

1) Download "Google Sheets", as above.

2) E-Mail me your : "Google Username" Example: "" and I will add you directly as a user.

Method 3:

1) Get someone to E-Mail the link to your G-Mail address. Opening it from there usually works too.

In General:

For all Methods, you should hit the "Sheets" icon on your phone to access it each time, rather than going to MFP. This is probably the easiest method, but your "Google User Name" will be viewable when you're on the sheet, instead of appearing as an "anonymous critter" (if you care). Once you get it working in "Sheets" I can remove your name (I usually do at weeks end anyway) and it should still work fine.

Each week I'll post the new spreadsheet on top of the old one, sometime Sunday, late evening, after the spreadsheet closes (9 pm Pacific Time). During this period, about an hour, the spreadsheet will not be accessible. Once I "turn it back on" it might show up in "Sheets" with a picture of an older week..(Google glitch). Trying to open it several times usually results in it working the rest of the week.


The Spreadsheets contain embedded links.

- Each players name is a link to that player's profile.
- The team designation (upper left corner of sheet ex: "Team 1") is a link to that team's "Team Thread" (makes it easy to post)
- The "Challenge Name" (ex: "Racing to Reykjavik") is a link to that weeks "Challenge Announcement".
- The pink box in the upper right corner of the sheet, takes you directly to the "Question & Answer" thread.

The "Question & Answer" thread is the one that should be used for any question that your "Team Captain(s)" can't answer. Posting a question on your team's thread (directed to MissionEnforcer or hawkins410) will, more than likely, not be noticed nor acknowledged. Any technical questions or problems should be E-Mailed to MissionEnforcer directly, for the fastest response.

An optional "Weight Tracker" has been added to the spreadsheet, and has it's own tab. If you're starting to use this on different dates than those posted on the sheet, make sure you put your starting weight on the far left, by your name. It was set up for weekly weigh-ins, but you may enter when you want. Just make sure you work from left to right without skipping any "Enter" areas, (enter the same weight into several weeks, if you want to catch up). Weight can be in any measurement that you choose (lbs, kgs, stone), just remain consistent. This information in no way factors into the game.

As I'm sure some of you have noticed, I've attempted to lock a lot of it from "customization". Contact me if changes need to be made. I've tried to make the sheets universal between teams. Also, I pass a lot of information between sheets. This makes my life a lot easier, and provides you with up to date information. Changing names and whatnot "screws up the works."

I'll be adding and tweaking as we go because, quite frankly, I'm just a wee bit obsessive....

Have a Great Race!

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