Doctor didn't listen to me at all...



  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    edited May 2017
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »

    Well, your sister is partially right. Diet soda isn't good for you - but it isn't the carbonation that is the issue. It is the artificial sweeteners that really mess with most people - and then the added chemicals for preservatives or color, etc. Artificial sweeteners can cause inflammation, allergic reaction, insulin reactions, sugar cravings, headaches, and so many other issues.

    About the only ones I've found that don't cause me much issues are SweetLeaf Brand Sweet Drops (Stevia)...the odd blend they use in Zevia drinks, and the generic liquid form of sucralose from Walmart.

    Seconding the Sweet leaf stevia suggestion - it's a bit more pricey but you only need a few drops to sweeten anything (coffee, HWC, cakes, etc). They are a 0 on the glycemic index and 0 carb. I have a bottle and mainly use it for my mug cakes. The powder ones tend to be more carb heavy.