"Hi, my name is..." Introduce your self!

So I'll go first then... :smile:

Hi, my name is Shanna and I'm starting the Louise Parker Method tomorrow, Oct. 22nd. I would love to have some accountability buddies here on MFP who are on a health and fitness journey with goals and or deadlines leading up to Christmas. Which is why I started this group. The LPM starts with a 6 week 'transform phase' that (if I start tomorrow as planned) will end on Dec 4th, just in time for the holidays. My goal at the end of the 6 week phase is to have lean eating and workout habits in place so that I will go into the festive season ahead of the game and get through it with out over indulging... too much. :wink: I intend to be active on MFP in those 6 weeks to connect and stay motivated and help others do the same. What are your goals? :smile: