Day 1

Hi everyone, Im new to myfitnesspal, two weeks and 3days in and have lost 4lb so far which I am so pleased about.Have never posted in one of these groups but thought I would give it a shot :)

Today has been one of those days where I don't know wether I am coming or going , I have a 2 year old daughter so as you can imagine I do a lot of running about after her haha. Got up late this morning so grabbed a chocolate hobnob for brekkie to tie me over as had to rush off to visit my granny.Been back and forth running errands and before I know it its nearly time to think about dinner time!! not been feeling that hungry today as it's so hot here over In the UK with having this heatwave.We are not used to this lovely weather so feel like welting haha.

Its 18:30 Uk time so will be putting my daughter to bed shortly and try to find the energy to do a high intensity cardio workout for half an hour. It's great I found it on youtube . Café mums I think it was called and man I worked up a sweat!

I am so far around 900 cals into my allowance (allowance 1420 or there about off top of my head ) I know you are suppose to eat at least half of the cals you burn but today I am going to find that difficult as now its getting late and I really am not hungry.Will make a smoothie around 8pm so at least I take in some cals . Find it a bit baffling this net calories .

Tommorow morning at 7am its gym time so will have a good workout then .

Hope everyone is well and you have had a good day!!!

Laura xx