november when you didn't lift? isn't life much better now?

canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
lol. i'm really running out of puns :p


  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    5's week and bench press is getting away from me (we'll just pretend that i had it locked at one point, okay?)

    60/70/80 bench. that last rep at 80 was the hardest one i have ever done on bench. ever, in two and a half years. so something just wasn't isn't right with my form. i had the bench misaligned by juuust enough to offset my hands from each other, so that might have been part of it. either way, meh disappointing.

    i'm back to being a huge fan of core work. so . . .

    then i did squats. la la la. front squats first, in 5lb jumps from the bar up to 75. these are really working for me, and i'm not going to analyze why. i'm just taking it. they felt solid and strong all the way and from what i could see in the mirror they looked that way too. i always either love fs or hate them and right now it's all love.

    waiter walks, one circuit per arm, with kettlebells from the tiny one up to the 'too heavy for safety', which i think was about the 13.something pound one. i so love love love waiter walks. that press to get the bell up is the best health check i could invent for my shoulder joints. and one side at a time will hopefully start to balance me out on the strength.

    once the waiter walks were too heavy i started again and did suitcase carries on the same circuit. one sided, up to idk - i think 33 pounds was as high as i felt like going.

    and then i did some goblet squats and those seemed to go well, so i went and did . . . .

    back squats! \o/ \o/ same as the front squats. jumps of 5 up to 75, for single sets.

    i'm pretty happy. too soon to tell probably. but being able to go up to 75 when i feel like i've bene on the broken bench for a month is really encouraging. at least it seems to mean that i still have some strength, so all that stuff i've beren doing that felt so half-assed and pointless must have had worth after all.

  • jessiferrrb
    jessiferrrb Posts: 1,758 Member
    That is awesome!

    i'm not looking forward to 90 pound squats today. the 85 isn't killing me, but sometimes it's not easy to get all the way up, not that i think it should be, i dunno. i'm just nervous i guess.

    i'm pmsing and today was measurements day and everything was about .5 bigger than last month, but i'm trying to take that in stride because bloating. i'm curious to see if the 'meh' feeling translates into strength struggles.

    end ramble rant.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,118 Member
    canadianlbs- thanks for starting this thread! I pulled a muscle in my shoulder and have not been here for last couple of weeks. Starting back very slowly.
    Today I turned 59 years old! Now I can live with that number for another 10 years. Today I plan on walking and swinging my 30 pound kettle bell starting at week one of the basic five-week program. Tomorrow I will do my strong lift routine with the empty bar just to rehab my muscles.

    Stronglifts Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-10 X7X 30
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    happy birthday! this tells me i have 8 more years to get legs like yours :)
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i'm not looking forward to 90 pound squats today. the 85 isn't killing me, but sometimes it's not easy to get all the way up, not that i think it should be, i dunno. i'm just nervous i guess.

    i know that feel. 90 is my nerve threshold too. but it's just another workout.

  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    todays workout
    squats 5x5@87lbs
    ohp 5x5@45lbs think im going to be stuck on this weight for a while.
    deadlifts 1x5@110lbs
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout
    Squats 5x5 @94lbs .really happy with this,felt a bit wobbly towards the end though so going to stay at this weight for a few more workouts.
    Bench 55545 @59lbs
    Row 5x5@52lbs .
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited November 2016
    trainer day. a little bleh but i always disappoint myself during 5's week. press at 45/50/55, and deadlift at 110/125/145. both lifts felt heavy, but the press actually got stronger as the weights went up and my form really snapped together. heavy presses are so heavy, i always do them as hard and fast as i can just to get the reps in while the getting is good :p

    no extra reps on deadlift. now hoping those will come during 3's week, of course. meanwhile, i thought going all day fasted and then drinking a protein shake pre-workout would cover it but i was wrong. had to stop at the grocery store on the way home and make 9pm omelettes when i arrived, i was so hungry.

    my spreadsheet says i moved four thousand, six hundred and sixty-eight pounds through time and space over the course of the week. that's the official number. relative to last cycle, my bench press and deadlift volume is down, squat volume is up (of course), and the press is up too, by a little bit. total volume change from last cycle is 132 pounds :tongue. not a lot, but it's an increase.
    jowaring wrote: »
    felt a bit wobbly towards the end though so going to stay at this weight for a few more workouts.

    nice though! those are the mid-size girl plates!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited November 2016
    i seem to be normal(ish) so it's back to my Plan. which goes: on saturdays, do hypertrophy sets at light weight for the two lifts you'll be doing on friday at trainer time. light weight. do i hear me? LIGHT WEIGHT. then later on in the week, i'll do my 'heavy' wendler-based workouts for each of the other two lifts, as usual.

    the reason for this is me and mr t have a schedule worked out where i alternate which lifts i do. that way i'm never more than two weeks between getting reality checks on my form, but the downside is if i don't do 'extra' on them by myself, i would go thirteen whole days without doing a lift. my deadlifts felt like an example of why that's not great yesterday.

    so, since it's bench and squats next friday, i just used the bar and did 3x15 on bench, and 5x10 on back squats. there was front squatting too, but not to quite the same point. i ain't crazy, and besides one of my wrists was flaky and hurt like heck when i had the bar racked until i figured that out.

    i think they both went pretty well. bench is nice when it's properly light because i get to see the form more than the weight. my squat form actually improves if it's about 20 pounds heavier, but i did a lot of front squats instead just to try and wake myself up. my only grudge against myself right now is when i've got a set of 10 in front of me i've started dive-bombing again on my squats, instead of taking it slow. so i caught myself at about halfway through and slowed it down for the rest of the sets. i'll let myself off for it this time.

    my hip circles are still full of sticks and pinch and tight spots, especially at the groin zone. but i think i'm actually getting better at controlling the joints themselves. i hope so. and i did a lot of adductor and inner hamstring stretching, which felt mahhhhhvellous.

    tomorrow i will DO NOTHING. i went and bought cooking supplies to make sure of it. when you have hummus and feta and tomatoes and parsley and a brand new jar of yeast, you don't have any choice but to make pita, right?
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    todays workout
    squats 5x5@94lbs
    ohp 5x5@45lbs
    deadlift 1x5@110lbs
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ohp for 3's week. 45/50/60. something is wrong with one wrist and i had to be really careful with placing the bar, so i did my 3 on the big set and quit there. i did do an extra set of 6 with the first-set weight though.

    eccentric pullups and squats for accessory. not really feeling it much today. should have had breakfast first :p
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    oh, and suitcase carries. i made them uneven this time though.

    i started with the two smallest kettlebells. one in each hand, circuit of gym. set them down, switch hands and do it again. then i'd swap the smaller one out for the next-biggest one from the set . . . didn't get very far. but once i got to the heaviest one i could carry, i did a one-arm carry circuit on each side with that one as well.

    just wasn't in a mood to do planks. so i did these instead for Core Stuff.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Gym at last after having to take time off from a cold and other excuses.

    band pulls 3x10
    front squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 (break for main push press sets) then 3x6 @ 95
    push press 2x8 @ 45, 1x5 @ 65 and 3x5 @ 75
    squat 1x8 @ 95, 1x8 @ 135, 1x3 @ 160 and 3x5 @ 155
    tricep rope pushdown 3x12 @ 30
    one arm cable row 3x8 @ 30
    20 minute jog on treadmill

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,118 Member
    Stronglifts Workout A
    Squats- 5X5X 65
    BP-5X5X 55
    BR-5X5X 55
    I did a serious deload because of my shoulder injury. I did not have any pain during the exercise. However, two hours later I experienced severe neck pain. I was able to relieve the pain by going to the hot tub and then icing. Because of this I took Tuesday off.
    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-10X7X30
    So far no pain!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    did my 3's deadlifts and they weren't great. 120/135/155. so not-great that after the mandatory three on the big set i dropped weight and did more at the two lower weights. nothing wrong with my body, it was just my form sucked. could not get my abs properly synched.

    also did rows in 5lb jumps up to 70, and the usual accessory suspects for now. skipped the pullups after just one because of an elbow tendon but i've started working on a pushup progression in the meantime, so there's that.
  • jowaring
    jowaring Posts: 145 Member
    Today's workout
    Squats 55544 @99lbs first time ever at this weight .felt really hard I literally sat down on the last 2 and couldn't get up lol.
    Bench 55535 @59lbs
    Rows 5x5@52lbs.
    Went shopping for new weights today ,asked the guy that worked there where do you keep the weights,he replied ladies or mens haha.err just weights thanks .
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    jowaring wrote: »
    Went shopping for new weights today ,asked the guy that worked there where do you keep the weights,he replied ladies or mens haha.err just weights thanks .


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,118 Member
    Stronglift Workout B
    Squats- 1x5x55/65, 5x5x70
    OHP- 5x5x45
    DL - 1x5x65

    I feel like going slow and steady and build up 5 lbs at a time.
  • amyinthetardis1231
    amyinthetardis1231 Posts: 571 Member
    I'm a total noob to 5x5 but I'm getting started! I hired a personal trainer for a few sessions and we're going through each of the lifts and getting form down really well, then I'll be off on my own soon. Today was deadlifts. Per the trainer, I've got beautiful form and great body awareness (thank you, dance training), and the 45 lb empty bar was pretty easy. He went ahead and loaded up another 20 lbs on and I did a few sets at 65 without too much difficulty. Has anyone started 5x5 at a higher weight than the app recommends? It seems silly to go back to 45 if I can do 65 with good form and without strain, but again--noob. Also, does anyone else use a hex bar instead of straight bar for deadlifts? That's what the trainer showed me with, as he said it's easier to do the correct form since you don't have to worry about (improperly) swinging the bar forward to clear your knees as you come up. He said he uses the hex himself, and he deadlifts 500 lbs. Thoughts?

    I have two more training sessions, so I'm going to have him help me get OHP and bench press form sorted, and hopefully we can squeeze barbell row in as well. I'm excited!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    :) nice to have you here. and cool username.

    so, um. stuff. hopefully others will have thoughts as well. here are mine:

    - for deadlift, did he use the 10lb plates that are the same size as the 'real' big plates? i'm just speaking personally but i feel like having the bar at the right height is more important than sticking to the letter of the start-with-the-bar recommendation. if you can pull 65 comfortably and using the plates lets you practice exactly the same mechanics you'll use when you reach 135, i'd say do it.

    - for your remaining sessions with him, my overwhelming vote would be to have him teach you to squat. ohp can be tricky, but the worst that usually happens with poor ohp form is you don't progress very far. the only critical rule is not to lean back too far and dump strain into your lumbar spine. but poor squat form is much harder to know when you're doing it, and doing it poorly can get you an injury. so i'd put squats at the top of the list.

    - the hex bar . . . i guess that's the same as the 'trap' bar i've seen here. you stand inside it and have to pull from inside a restricted space. i've never used it but Certain People are agitating my weekly trainer to get one for his gym. so what i've heard in those discussions is that it can be great for people whose lower backs are vulnerable, but it does change your mechanics and your 'diagnostic angles'. it's much more of a quad movement than the regular deadlift. you set up in a position that's almost like a half-squat. so there's that. i don't have any allegiance or experience with the hex bar, but fwiw i just googled and i found this.

    i'll say one thing though. i lift the conventional way, with a flatter back and more of a hip hinge than a knee bend. he's right that the bar can get away from your legs in a conventional deadlift . . . but not letting it do that is part of the lift. you need to use your lats to keep the bar on your legs, which has the nice side-effect of helping to stabilize your spine.

    just thoughts. congratulations on starting.