


  • fluffyrn12
    fluffyrn12 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm at 1200 but I eat all my exercise cal back, 1200 keeps me in check so if I go over a little bit it's not too bad.
  • binor
    binor Posts: 77 Member
    My calories are set at 1320 and I eat them almost everyday. I also eat back my exercise calories. I do not restrict any foods. I don't eat a lot of deserts only because I can't stop once I start. I also avoid processed foods only because they are so full of calories and I would rather have a larger portion of something with less calories. At this point I am not in a hurry to loose weight, I just want to stop the yo yo and continue going down.
  • lifesigns64
    lifesigns64 Posts: 110
    my calories are set for 1550, but I may do calorie cycling, and I'm also investigating the 5:2 plan . . .
  • Chellody22
    Chellody22 Posts: 95 Member
    My calories are set to 1390, and I eat most of my exercise calories back.
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    I am shooting for 1280-1380 calories. 5'2" and currently 178lbs.
  • ezziepug
    ezziepug Posts: 57
    To prevent binges though I have decided all food is OK if it falls within my calories.

    This is exactly the approach I have to take or I end up falling off the wagon hard. Overall, I'm meeting my nutrition needs, but if I want a donut and it won't take me over my calories, I'm a'havin' that donut.

    I'm generally sticking to 1,250 calories/day, but like others have said, if I'm too hungry, I eat a bit more.

    For me, the name of the game is not setting up a deprivation cycle, which leads to yo-yo'ing weight, which leads to me being unahppy and unhealthy.
  • tif83
    tif83 Posts: 85 Member
    Thought I replied last night, but I must have clicked off. Personally, I trying my darndest to stick to 1200 calls/day, and I do not prefer to eat exercise cals back (although, sadly, my fitbit died a couple days ago, so not getting exercise cals right now anyway!)

    It's not my place to suggest to anyone else what their goals should be, and I'd always recommend speaking to a Dr or nutritionist. For me, I have consulted my Dr, and I should really never be over 1200 cals/day.

    I personally have been struggling with this off and on- with hitting my goal consistently. I keep looping into a binge cycle, but, today will make Day 3 that I'm back on the wagon. I'm finding that I'm feeling more satisfied and able to be a bit more successful so far by planning meals and trying my best not to skip them (that said, yest I just had a double portion of apples and peanut butter for "brunch", but, at least I'm putting forth an effort). Pre-planning for me is also HUGE. It's so easy to fall off track when you allow yourself to do so! This week I had delish apple crunches I brought into work to have handy, and I made dinner for a few nights one night earlier this week.

    Anyway- loooooong answer to a quick question, eh?! :)
  • AmIhealthyyet
    AmIhealthyyet Posts: 361 Member
    I am also trying to have a daily calorie range. 1200-1500. Allowing myself to fall anywhere in between. I would pre plan 1200 and then get hungry and be upset over eating a hard boiled egg! I am hoping having a range keeps my calories at a place where I can lose and my mind at a place that doesn't go crazy! It really is about finding what works for us as individuals.