Day 17

DaniKaren Posts: 79 Member
Hey everyone!

It is the seventeenth day of the second month of our challenge. We're more than halfway done for this month. How are you feeling? What changes have you made in your routine? What changes have you noticed in your body? Are your goals still the same?

I'm feeling great! My days consist of a lot more physical activity than they did two months ago. The weekly challenges have broadened my exercise horizons in a very positive way. Last month, twenty squats almost killed me. Yesterday, I did fifty as I watched the news. As far as my body, I've definitely shrunk. My clothes are all too big, my legs are stronger, and I'm noticing this gross loose skin on my tummy and breasts (I hope the latter does not last long). My goal is still 170. At that weight, I'll still be considered overweight (which is better than obese). 170 is what I weighed my senior year of high school, which is the last time I really loved my body. I was voluptuous. The weight at which I would no longer be considered overweight is 145. I've considered making this my final goal, but I fear I would loose those curves I loved so much at 170. I'll think about it more once it's closer. I've still got quite a way to go. A new goal of mine is that before the end of the year, I will do a 5K, preferably while wearing a tutu.

I had a fantastic workout day yesterday! Now that I've made myself go to the gym a few times, I'm starting to not dread it. This is one of the first gyms I've been to outside of a college town. That makes a huge difference. (Who knew...not all guys grunt like they're in labor and slam their weights down.)

I'm going to go beautify myself. I've got a meeting with the Department of Education about my teaching credential. I can't wait until this is all done. I miss the classroom.

Have a great day!

Love and hugs,
