Week 36 Daily Checkin Thread (Monday Dec 5-Sunday Dec 11)

maureli Posts: 722 Member
Sorry I haven't checked in for a bit. Its been busy around here. Hope its ok that I started the new week off. I also posted this in last weeks thread not realizing that it was a new week.

I went to an early staff Christmas party on Saturday. Did fine with the eating part....but not so much with the wine! haha...holy moly. I think I am still recovering. It was fun though.
Worked yesterday , today I'll just stay home and get the rest of my Christmas stuff out and then I am going back to Halifax tomorrow with my parents. Hopefully I can get a few more things there and then be almost done.
I haven't exercised since Friday so I will definitely get something in today. I woke up to snow on the ground this morning, not a ton, but enough to have to push it off the deck.

@AZLisaLou - how are things going? I hope you are back on track, it is so easy to get discouraged especially this time of year. There are so many temptations. Definitely good news on the thyroid. I have a friend with thyroid problems and she is constantly trying t get her meds sorted.

Well, I should go and get my day started. Hope you all have a good one :)


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @maureli, 'tis the season for parties, shopping and keeping busy isn't it? Good job on controlling the eating. A little splurge on wine every now and again can't hurt that much, can it?

    Things for me aren't going great. I've gained a solid 5 lbs. in the past few weeks, although I can't for the life of me remember eating that much. But then again, I haven't been logging. Big mistake, I know. I've been really depressed and dealing with enormous amounts of anxiety. so much that I'm having a hard time getting out of bed each day to face the world. It's debilitating. I'm in bed probably 12 or more hours a day. It doesn't bode well for my emotional eating I suppose.

    I'm trying to come up with non-sweet things to make for our Christmas get-together with the family. I have to make chocolate chip cookies, though. I make about 6-9 dozen each year, and if I say I'm not going to do it this year my kids have melt downs. Yes, they are 14, 16 and 21 and throw tantrums like little kids when it comes to cookies at Christmas. But I've been trying to come up with other ideas that are more savory. I saw a hot recipe today that looked really good with artichokes, 3 cheeses and garlic to serve up with crusty bread or crackers. Last year I made a jalapeno dip that was a big hit too. I'm still searching Pinterest for ideas that are more diabetic friendly this year. I usually make about 3 sweet things, and this year I want to be different.

    @nadiamayl how are you doing?
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    @AZLisaLou - so sorry that you are going through a hard time, I think that it can definitely effect the way your body handles food. It could be all connected to that. Also not logging food....things do add up quicker than we think sometimes. I hope you are feeling better before long :(
    I went back to halifax yesteday this time with my parents. They are older so I helped with the driving. Got some more things crossed off my list thought, so all and all was a good day. I am feeling burnt today though. Seems like I am always feeling burnt lately.

    I am going to get some exercise in today, I haven't done anything since last week. Thought about getting my tree today but I think that will have to wait until the weekend.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @maureli were you able to get some exercise in today?
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    @AZLisaLou depression sucks!!!! There's no better way to put it. It's unpredictable and hard to manage and level off properly! Just don't give up on finding what makes YOU balanced!!! I know for me, when I had my period of depression, consistency and planning were key. A simple, non-elaborate schedule with a short walk, simple healthy meals planned and that sort of thing helped me. Reducing the unknown and chaos was super important.
    @maureli I don't have a fraction of what I need for Christmas yet!!! My tree is drying out, since I don't think the live cut was big enough, my husband's been gone for 2 weeks and one more to go, I'm unmotivated to study for the darned exam I have in one week!!!! Too many PTA meetings and volunteer activities, plus soccer!! Just trying to get by in the busiest time of the year!!
    Anyway, I'm doing OK in maintenance right now. Come the new year I'll reassess how much more I want to start doing!!