Ok I messed up making this page.....PLEASE COMMENT HERE!!!!!!! So all can see....THANK YOU



  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @racheir1116 I sympathize with you...When I put down the beer all my friends dissapear...And I'm kinda a loner of sorts too...I congratulate you on 45 days sober...That's wonderful !!!! Keep up the good work!!!! You may have to try a whole new game for finding friends...If I'm lonely I walk to the park and can usually find a woman with kids to talk too..I've made friends from there that didn't drink and are still my friends today... Although I'm not up for social activities too much!!!! It's my anxiety...I get on here..I have several GREAT FRIENDS on line...Some of the best ever in my life...ADA from the Netherlands...We send pictures back and fourth and currency....There money looks totally different than USA..We talk via face time...It works for me...Maybe even try a near by church...You will need the support thru this...I'm here for you...And I'm sure many others will be too...You are loved..Your sobriety counts!!!! Stay strong!!!! Sad your pal don't join you...That would be perfect!!!!!!
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    I'm trying to figure out a class at the YMCA to take so maybe I can meet some people there. I figure if they're at the Y they already care about their health so that's a plus :)
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @racheir1116 that's a great idea!!!!! I hope it works out for you.!!! We have a youth group building in my town but it's more of a drop off for the crack heads in this town...Just awful..I'm glad it's there so the kids at least get to eat and have adults who care ...Even if only a few hours a week...So how's your cravings going??? Are you getting them?? Your early in sobriety...I craved my first couple weeks then just now and then....Writing down any triggers helped..I could see and read it and know ....Ahhhh that's a trigger!!!!! That's why I'm having a crave....Hey whatever it takes right? Good luck at the Y.....
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Wow!!!! Jan is flying by already!!!! I am excited to see where I am physically and emotionally this time next year!!!!! I'm gonna keep posting!!!! I check this page every day!!!! So please share!!!!! It will get read!!!!! And we do truly care about you!!!!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I had two beers Sunday night. I'm sick though and that day I was just tired and on edge. It's alright though, I'm down 4 lbs since Jan 1st.
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    I've been sober for about a week. I am planning on keeping it going. My birthday is on the 14th. I might have a drink then but will stay away from alcohol the rest of the time.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    I don't think having a drink on your birthday or new year's is so bad for some...But I'd like to make a new way for ringing in a new year or birthday....Start it off feeling good.....Instead of recovering from a night of drinking....Of course I'm one who can't have one drink....One is two then ten then keeps going for months to years.....Chris if you have the willpower to just have one!!!!!!!
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    I might not drink; it depends on what we do. He has big plans for us on Friday night
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Another day come and going...I don't have any urge to drink... Not even one...I'm grateful for this day!!!! And the days to come!!!!!Hope your all doing well...ox
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Well it's Sunday Jan 15 the already!!!!! Still sober!!!!I I slept about 6 straight hours...Felt good...I'm having anxiety still but it seems to be slowing down...I don't wanna jink myself..I sure do hope each day is better and better...If I can do this anyone can!!!!! I'm going to church again today...Wanna get my worship on....And praise!!!! Hope all are well...Sure wish others were here!!!!!! I need you...And can offer my inside to you if your in need
  • tamera_g
    tamera_g Posts: 128 Member
    Birthday is over. I had 2 glasses of wine. Back to sobriety for a while.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @tamera_g yeh!!!! Happy birthday!!!!! I'm happy always to hear from you...I'm still going...Last couple days have felt better....I'm close to 5 months..,.By end of year I should be OK.....I'm not drunk and sleeping already this morning...Lol I got so bad I started sneaking it early morning....While all went to work and school.. discusting to think of now!!! Well best to you girl!!!!! You got this
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Jan 18 the still going!!!!!!
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    I gave up last week, lol. I'm still keeping in a calorie deficit though, which was my main goal for this whole month. I've lost over 2 lbs so far!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Well it's Jan 30 th.... Still sober....I've got a solid 5 months in....... Anxiety is easing up...Sleeping better...And getting more out of bed time...I had a rough go of it... Yesterday was a true test of my will....I win.....I turned to God and that's that !!!!! Ask and you shall receive!!!!!!! Amen!!!! Hope all are well..I really wish this page was on fire with comments and loving support to many...They say if you can just help one person you did good...I have a person who sent me one GREAT GIFT!!!! I will forever cherish and love you my friend....You helped me in more ways than you will ever know!!!!! I wanna hug you!!!!! God bless you!!!!@ bwelch
  • blwelch1
    blwelch1 Posts: 81 Member
    I am proud of the way you get out of bed everyday, even when you don't want to. You are winning the battle and don't let anyone or anything get in your way!! I have had a crazy week. My daughter came in town with her baby and then we had a funeral to go to in Chicago, but today is calm, so life is good!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @blwelch1 I'm sorry you had to attend a funeral..That's always a sad day...I read the book every morning....Then if I need to I read it ten times...It seems to say exactly what I need that day!!!! I put the card on my shelf as a constant reminder of God's love and how he works thru others...I am doing OK sober...I still smoke and want to quit that too..I'm hesitant because of the anxiety....I hear it can cause insomnia too..I'm just starting to get into good sleeping patterns....I wanna quit but don't wanna go thru more misery during withdraw either...So for now I'm writing down each time I have one and am having one each hour...Hope tomorrow one every 2 hours and so on....To get nicotine levels down before I jump off...I'm still tapering the pain meds too!!!! That is tough!!!!I really wanna just be me !!!!! No compulsive behavior.....Cause that's what it is.... Compulsive behavior...I pray and watch TV to distract myself..Try to walk to bus stop every day to get my heart pumping..I have lost so much weight now I need clothes!!!!! Underwater fall off...I'm happy about it but can't afford to go buy just to buy again...Yardsales will kick I. Soon....I would rather buy 25 cent shorts and tanks for summer than spend a waste of money on new every other month....Still have over 20 lbs to go...And we all know them last pounds are the hardest to lose....I love you my friend!!!!! God worked thru you!!!!! You did me good..Much more than you will ever truely know!!!!!
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    Feb 11 the I'm on day 166 sober....Feeling pretty good.... I worked in the yard!!! I filed for divorce!!!!! It's gonna be a long next month or two... Heartbreaking!!!! He don't seem to believe it's real...I just pray God forgives me...I can't live like this no more...I'm setting us both free !!!! Love to all... Get sober !!!!! Get God !!!! Let go !!!
  • codylee98
    codylee98 Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations on your 166 days! I am 26 years clean and sober. Now time to deal with food. I need to lose over 50 lbs now. Thinking the one day at a time way will work with food too. Have logged in and out of MFP for years now but just got blood work done and cholesterol is high and heart disease runs rampant in my family. I'm nearly 56 years old so time to think about all the aunts and uncles who died in their 60's. Hope we can help one another.
  • onsickmom
    onsickmom Posts: 212 Member
    @codylee98 .....Thank you...Yes do take them blood results very seriously!!!!! It runs on my dad's side!!!! I too had way high triglycerides and cholesterol!!!!!! I am combating mine with foods....You can switch your sugar out on the chart to show cholesterol....I watch my cats cholesterol and sodium....Not too worried about the rest....Congrats on your years of sobriety!!!!! Fantastic!!!! You have wisdom we all need from time to time....My food diary is open...It proubly seems a bit odd to many...Lol... But I'm down almost 60 pounds since August.....Joined this page to start tracking so I could fix blood levels....Well last check...IM IN THE GOOD RANGE!!!!!! WOOT!!!!! The weight is steadily coming off...The cats in things like salmon..Muscles..Oysters..Sardines..Avocados...Very good for you...Our body automatically makes cholesterol....So add some pork fat chicken fat fried foos to that and we get into trouble !!!! Especially us who are genetically wired to hold on to these silent killers...I will be 54 next month...Had a heart attack last Nov....On Thanksgiving day...Was so much fat in my blood it just couldn't pump....I of course got all the pills they hand ya...I'm off them now!!!!!! But gonna keep a close eye on my blood...You need any advise on that one I'm your girl.....Look at my pictures....That big swollen face gal is me !!!! Just this past August...I took it thinking it would be the last photo of me because I was dying....Really was...I could write a book.. Proubly need to...I'm happy to meet you and hope you do real well on your journey....Much hugs and go for it girl !!!!!! Whole foods...No process food...Or just a little on occasion...