hedrickbl Posts: 13 Member
Hi Gents,
There is a lot of information for body comp modification (fat loss or weight gain) out there and the purpose of this discussion is to attempt to simplify the process. Below is the basic steps for fat loss that prove effective for most people.

1. Set a specific goal (i.e. I want to get to 17% bodyfat by AT using the army standard)
2. Daily calorie goals = (body weight) x 10 ; this is a starting point for fat loss.
3. Use this calorie goal for 2 weeks and evaluate. Did your weight or waist measurement go down, if so, stay at that number. Did it go up? then drop another 500 calories and reassess for 2 weeks.

Remember to track weight and waist measurements, the scale can be a fickle beast.

1. Everyone is different and you have to find what works for you to achieve your goals.
2. For most of you looking to reduce fat, I recommend a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio a day and a full body split for strength training 3 days/ week. Mark Ripetoe's starting strength is a great plan for most looking to get strong and cut weight. Just DO NOT FOLLOW HIS NUTRITION ADVICE!!! The more lean mass you have, the easier it is to control body fat.
3. Your body will adapt and you will have to make adjustments as you progress. Add in some HIIT, do 2 a day cardio training to keep the fat loss going.

This is the basics, there are a lot of hacks and gimmicks but try to keep it simple and you will succeed. Be aware of programs for people that are just looking to drop a few lbs of vanity weight, these are not for you, you need to balance fat loss with performance goals - APFT.

Please let me know if you have any questions and add things that you have found helpful.