Introduce yourself =)

Say hi! Tell us about yourself, your journey and your goals =D


  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    Hi I'm Jo,

    I started at around 244lbs this year and it's been rough. I have Anemia and Factor V leiden, my thyroid hormones are also out of wack and my white blood cells are high atm (Having my tonsils out sometime in January). So I'm taking it easy, and hoping to maintain or lose slowly over the next few months.

    Hoping to get to a healthy weight so i can have a better life.
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Hi I'm Loraine,

    I started MFP in December '15 and lost 40lb by May. Then I went on a rampage and put 21lb back on by November. I'm slowly taking it off again but it is hard and the weight is stubborn.

    I am going to a family destination wedding in April and want to lose a stone by then, I will by no means be finished but I will be in a lot nearer my end goal.
  • slimcharm17
    slimcharm17 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there, I am back on MFP to get a jump on the New Year. I am having trouble getting my mind wrapped around the whole process. I don't like the way I feel or how my clothes fit. I know what to do I just need to start/ commit to cleaning up my food and moving more.
  • DietVanillaCoke
    DietVanillaCoke Posts: 259 Member
    So many awesome goals :D 2017 will be a great year!

    You're on the right path Slimcharm :) and if you log all your foods daily you will reach your goals... The hard part is pushing through those first life style changes and making them a normal part of your new healthier life style. We're all here if you ever need help, support or motivation. If any of you need it, we're a team :D

    Looking forward to a healthier lifestyle and an epic journey with all of you :)

  • laurencbGB
    laurencbGB Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all! I've been a member on MFP for years but never known it's full benefits so not used it really!

    Now I'm really on a push to lose some weight - I've lost some weight through the year through just exercise alone but need to get my diet started as have hit a plateau.

    Ideally need to have lost a fair chunk by end of April so timing of this group is just brilliant :)

    I'm going to start now and just keep going as long as I can with it! Good luck everyone :)
  • slimcharm17
    slimcharm17 Posts: 16 Member
    @DietVanillaCoke Thank you for starting the group/challenge! I agree today is my day to start logging in all my food and then adding legit exercise, shortly. I am wanting to start strength training 2- 3 days a week. I was given a hand me down Fitbit Charge HR and aiming for 10k steps most days.

    Hi everyone! :)
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hi everybody my name is Sarah

    I joined in July 2014 weighing in at 192lbs. I didn't know the full benefit of this site until mid 2015 I started taking part in more challenges early this year. I have had my up and down's but as of last week I weighed 151lbs so I have lost 41lbs so far I still have a long way to go but I am hoping this challenge will help me lose another stone.
  • buonnatale219
    buonnatale219 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I'm Courtney and I've slowly been gaining weight (35-40 lbs) over the last 3 years and I'm ready to get it off! I started at 172 and I'm down 5 pounds. My goal weight is 130. I'm shooting for may 1st. Let's do this!!!
  • Desperita
    Desperita Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, this is my first time joining a forum of any kind. I spent most of my childhood very active and slim. But from the time I went to university (more than 20 years ago), the weight has slowly and steadily been creeping on. Now after 2 kids, a busy job, my weight seems to be stubbornly sticking on. I have tried numerous diets (Atkins, South Beach, Paleo), and they all work while I strictly follow it. But invariably I fall off the wagon and all the weight (and then some) comes raging back. I am so sick of this. This coming Easter, I turn 39. I am more determined than ever that I will not go into my 40s feeling bad about my body and my weight.

    A few months back, I started strength training - something I have never tried before. I have found that it has amazing benefits (I am genuinely getting stronger, I sleep better, my asthma has reduced, my general immunity is much higher and now I rarely fall ill, I have more energy and just generally feel happier). What it does NOT do is reduce fat. But that's ok. The benefits have been so amazing, that I want to continue doing it (Pity MFP doesn't track calories for strength training).

    This has made me realise more than ever how food is the primary driver of fat loss. I am done with fad diets - this time I want to find a solution that can work for the rest of my life. I've been experimenting with different kinds of food choices for a few weeks to see what would work for me. And tracking my meals and how I eat. I've realised that although what I eat is relatively healthy (most of the time), in the busy-ness of the day I sometimes have long gaps between meals and therefore am starving and tend to overeat afterwards. So now I have started eating 7-8 small meals during the day (every 2 hours from the time I wake up). I've only been doing this for 3 days, but I am seeing a big difference in my energy levels. No more ravenous eating of whatever I can find in the cupboard. Also have lost 1.4 pounds. So feeling good. Really hoping I can stick with this and finally achieve permanent fat loss.

    So I have about 28 pounds to lose by Easter to get to goal weight. I don't know if that's a reasonable goal. But I'd be happy with any sustainable loss that doesn't come back.

    All the best to everyone on here. Whatever your goal, I hope you achieve it!
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Desperita wrote: »
    Hi all, this is my first time joining a forum of any kind.
    So I have about 28 pounds to lose by Easter to get to goal weight. I don't know if that's a reasonable goal. But I'd be happy with any sustainable loss that doesn't come back.


    You will find this community invaluable for support as you go along your journey and there is no judging so it's great!

    If you go into exercises at the bottom of the diary page, you should find strength training and can add that to your diary for calories burned. Also, 28lbs is 2 stone and so with some dedication can be achieved by April.

    Good luck!
  • Desperita
    Desperita Posts: 4 Member
    Thank you LoraineGB for your kind welcome. Thanks for the tip on exercises - I added mine for today but it looks like calories are calculated only for cardio and not for strength training. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if others have the same experience? Thanks again!
  • LoraineGB
    LoraineGB Posts: 926 Member
    Desperita wrote: »
    Thank you LoraineGB for your kind welcome. Thanks for the tip on exercises - I added mine for today but it looks like calories are calculated only for cardio and not for strength training. Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if others have the same experience? Thanks again!

    In your diary, choose 'add exercise', it should then come up cardio or strength. Choose strength and then choose 'all exercises', it'll have all your gym stuff in there :)
  • mbansal18
    mbansal18 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi. I just joined MFP. I am a college freshy and I have always been on the heavy side compared to my size. But, I recently gained over 10 pounds and I have had a hard time putting it down. Hoping working with others who have a similar goal will help motivate me!
  • BekW78
    BekW78 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Bek I just joined. From Newcastle NSW Australia. Am starting out on my weight loss journey back to health and happiness. So glad to find a positive group.
  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    Hi fellow weight loss travelers! My name is Margarita and I am so happy to have come across this group of pioneers. I can't wait to start this journey with all of you.
    I live in The infamous "Brew City" known as Milwaukee Wisconsin. Home of the
    Milwaukee Brewers!
  • Jarhead87
    Jarhead87 Posts: 22 Member
    Rob here from the Dallas, TX area. Lost a ton of weight back in 2008/09 (270 to 175lbs) but had health issues in 2013 as well as functioning as a geographical bachelor for nearly 2 years and found myself at 307 lbs in January 2016. I've been able to get as low as the 260s during 2016 but have recently been tipping the scale near 290. I have been able to drop @ 6 lbs the last several weeks but am looking for an accountability/motivation assist. This is the 1st time I have used the Group/Community feature of MFP and I am hoping this will keep me cognizant of what I put in my mouth and what I do for exercise on a regular basis. Out of sight usually means out of mind and out of mind means I gain weight!!!
  • emilyvictoria7
    emilyvictoria7 Posts: 102 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm 22 and I've been using MFP for years ever since I was in high school but I've never been successful in losing more than 15lbs back in 2012 or so. Now, I'm tipping the scales at the heaviest I've ever been, weighing in at 270lbs. I started back on about a week ago with a goal of 2lbs between then and Jan 7. I don't keep a scale at the house as my partner cannot have one so I weigh in every few weeks when I visit my parents.
    I like short term goals but I think a few short terms should lead into a challenge like this. Here's hoping to be down 14+ by Easter!