Week 37 Daily Checkin Thread (Dec12-18)

maureli Posts: 722 Member
edited December 2016 in Social Groups
Good morning!

Its a new week! I always love the start of the week just because I feel like I have a new chance. Two weeks left til Christmas. Wow, time sure flies!

I am working today 8-5. Going to stop to Sobeys to pick up a salad for lunch. Theres not much in this house to take and they have a good assortment to choose from. I have fresh haddock ready to go in the oven for supper.

All of NS is under a snowfall warning today EXCEPT two counties...mine being one of them. yay. We are in for mostly rain. I'll take it.

I did my official WI on Saturday and stayed the same. Kind of disappointed but oh well, I will keep on chugging along. I did get a workout in both in Saturday and Sunday.

Hope you guys are doing ok!


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    edited December 2016
    good morning @maureli! How have you been doing? Have you been able to get any exercise in? Getting all ready for Christmas?

    I'm continuing to struggle, mostly with the soda. I can drink Sprite Zero and be perfectly happy, but my brain says I'd be much happier with straight soda. Damn that brain! lol I'll figure it out one of these days. Hope it's sooner than later. The scale is starting to creep up on me.

    Had birthday celebration for my youngest daughter yesterday. She turned 15. Made a home made chocolate cake and vanilla buttercream frosting. omg so divine! Dinner was pork chops (the thickest, fattest chops I've ever seen!), home made mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans and corn. Everyone had a full belly by the end of the evening.

    Christmas shopping for the kids is done. I did most of it online, which is the way I like it. I hate going out to the stores and searching through crowds and messing shelves and racks to maybe, hopefully find what I was looking for. Nope. Not my cup of tea. Sara actually picked out all her Christmas presents herself, so she knows what she's getting. They were higher priced items, so I didn't want to mess up and get her something she wasn't happy with. A gift for Matthew showed on tracking as delivered, but there was no package on the porch. If it doesn't show up by tomorrow at 8pm, Amazon said to call them back and they'll send out a replacement. It was an expensive item, and Amazon is always so great about taking care of their customers.

    Got some good things on the menu for dinners this week. One thing we're having that I haven't made in a while is Tikka Masala. I'm sure it's not a completely authentic recipe, but still, it sure is delicious. Looking forward to that dinner. Can't remember everything else on the list, which is why it's a good thing I write the menus down and post it on the refrigerator each week!

    Back up into the mid to high 70's this week. I should get out each day and go for a walk with the dog.

    Well, ladies. I've rambled on long enough about a whole lot of nothing. Have a good day!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    I'm coming back! Back right where I started.. except I'm smoke free 6 months! Time to do something about this extra 20 pounds now. XOXOX!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    good morning!

    Hi @Kerryatoon ! Nice to meet you :) Great accomplishment being smoke free...WTG!

    @AZLisaLou Yes, I did get my workout in that day...then none yesterday so I am about to get todays in. I need to keep my fingers out of the big bag of jubejubes that is in the cupboard. Why oh why did I buy those!!

    We had snow yesterday but I was luck to not have to drive in it. When I left for work in the AM it hadn't started yet and by the time I left to come home it had turned to rain and they roads were mostly clear.
    I am like you @azlisalou, I do a lot of my Christmas shopping online. Although I have made 2 trips to Halifax for shopping, I have ordered numerous things from amazon, best buy, and even one from ebay. LOVE INTERNET SHOPPING!

    I stopped to Sobeys on my way home from work yesterday and stocked up on salad supplies. That will be lunch today. Not sure about supper.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @kerryatoon so good to see you back here! Sorry to hear you're back where you started. I'm getting there myself. One of these days we'll get it right for good, but in the meantime we got each other for support.

    @maureli salad sounds good. what do you like in yours?

    this is not the week of the month that I give a crap about my diet. lol. I'm just trying to manage the pain, and to hell with everything else!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Looks like we are in for rain today. That's ok, I'd rather that than snow. I have to go and get my car serviced this afternoon so I will go in early and get some more shopping done. I keep saying that I am almost done but there always seems to be something more to get. Plus I need to get some baking supplies. I got quite a lot of wrapping done yesterday, which is something I always leave to the bitter end.

    Kind of had a bad night last night. You know those salty and sweet granola bars that have the peanut butter coating ? Dh likes them for his lunch. Well, I am going to have to make him hide them! But the rest of my day went well. Did a strength workout and am feeling it in my legs this morning. I really want to have a POP day today, I need to get my evenings back on the right track.

    @AZLisaLou - I usually have baby spinach, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper, onion, broccoli....and always chicken or some egg or some kind of protein. I usually eat a salad every day for lunch and have been really getting tired of them lately. I might make a big soup and freeze it in portions or something. How is it going with the soda? Hope you are feeling better!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm back today to check in :) Thank you for the warm welcome @maureli and I'm glad to see you still here and working at it @AZLisaLou. My progress report for yesterday: I ate on point.. met my macros.. was a little shy on protein but that won't really be a huge issue until I get back to my weightlifting. Well ok.. it will be important starting today because today will be my 1st day back at the gym in about a month. Nervous and looking forward to it in equal measure. I met my water goals. Remembered that I usually feel super satiated when I'm eating the right balance of fats and proteins. When I get into trouble with eating is when I'm consuming tons of sugars (refined or carbs) I never seem to be satisfied and I feel hungry all the time. SO yesterday I felt full and enjoyed my cut in spite of the fact that my cals were much lower than usual. LOVE THAT!
    @heatherc369 I hope you're doing well and your ankle is healing.. I just got to a point where i feel that my shoulder injury is better enough to start back at weights SLOWLY. I hope you're well!!!!
    @NadiaMayl missing your cheerful spirit.. hope you are well with the holidays and enjoying your kiddos. Should be vacationing soon right?!

    I re-measured today and weighed. EXACTLY right back where I started when I was at my highest.. sigh. But the good news is that now I am a non-smoker and I know how to lose the weight. Yep.

    I'll be here to post my workout either tonight or tomorrow morning. HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE!!! XOXOX!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Good morning ladies! I'm here to report I'm doing well and went to the gym last night. It was a real kick in the ego because before this last "break" I was becoming a regular one of the girls in the freeweights section that was getting into some pretty heavy weights. So it hurt a bit to go back with all my weight back and starting at the beginning on weight again. BUT.. it's ok. I gotta start where I am and if I listened to my pride I'd never even have walked through those doors. ACCOMPLISHMENT! So here was my workout last night:

    Warmup: 15 minutes cardio 1/2 elliptical, 1/2 brisk treadmill walking
    Barbell Squats: 5x5 85lb
    Bench: 5x5 55lb
    Barbell Row: 5x5 35lb

    My shoulder didn't hurt and I am feeling good today. Going to start on some shoulder rehab exercises next session and skip the overhead presses that I think caused my original injury. Feel great today.. just the perfect level of sore. Tonight is walking dogs at dog park. Ate on point.. met macros.. water goal..got in healthy choices and felt satiated all day.

    Feels great to be back working toward my goals. Hope you are all having a good day! :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Hello everyone!
    So it seems that winter has shown its ugly face. We don't usually see this kind of weather until Jan or Feb, but maybe that will mean that Spring will arrive early too! :) One can only hope. I am so thankful that I have all of my beachbody dvd's and my weights and don't have to just rely on running in the elements this winter.

    I have been doing a lot of strength workouts lately so today I decided to do a cardio. 21DFX cardio extreme. It had me sweating buckets and so glad that I got it done. Yesterday I did a Hammer and Chisel workout called chisel balance. Very happy with the scale this morning, I am down 4.5 lbs since I re-started not that long ago. Just have to keep it up, its so easy for me to get side-lined.

    @kerryatoon - good for you getting back to the gym! You are right indeed, a great accomplishment just getting there and walking through the door. I am sure it was hard but you probably felt so good afterward. Looks like a really great workout too.

    @AZLisaLou and @NadiaMayl - hope things are good with you and your just busy getting ready for the holidays!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Well its currently -10*C here this morning but I think its suppose to warm up to about 3*C. And its still snowing. I need to go to town to do some shopping, and my kiddo wants to go to his girlfriends house. lol This is going to be one long winter! Not to mention my cats are already going stir-crazy. They are usually in and out all day long.
    Not sure what I am going to do for exercise today. I sort of feel like taking a day off, and maybe I will. Did ok last night with my food, but not as good as I'd have liked.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Hi ladies!!! Crazy couple of weeks. My big GRE test is tomorrow. We'll see how it goes.
    Husband is back from business trip but he's so jet lagged and tired it's as if he wasn't here. Hehehe
    I'm kinda tired and and not in the Christmas spirit. Which is making me bummed out since it's another of my faves!!!!
    Maintenance is at least going well. No gym in months but I'm maintaining just fine. That is a huge breakthrough since in the past, the moment I quit 'dieting' I jumped right back into gaining weight!
    I promise to read everyone's posts Monday and respond more personally.
    @Kerryatoon , welcome back my friend, I've missed you!!!!! :D