Week 38 Daily Check-in (Dec 19-Dec 25)

maureli Posts: 722 Member
Good morning!
Well, its the week before Christmas, how did that happen!! I am not quite ready, the 3 day storm that we just had kept me from my shopping but I will hopefully be able to get that done by Thursday. I am working today, tmrw I would like to do some christmas baking and then getting a cut and color. Wednesday shopping, and thursday a trip to Halifax airport to pick up my son! That will be a long day, its over 3 hours to the airport, so there and back will be a full day. I am just crossing my fingers that the weather cooperates. Right now its just giving rain.

Didn't have a terrible weekend food wise, but could have been better. We went out to dinner twice. It was my moms 80th birthday. I had pan fried seafood so not terrible, and with rice instead of French fries. No dessert. I hope that by Friday I will be a pound lower.

@NadiaMayl - hey there! Sounds super busy for you, I hope that things slow down so you can enjoy the holidays! Christmas is my fav too, its such a busy time sometimes it creeps up on you and is gone before you know it.

Ok, I'm off to work. Have a great day everyone!


  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    So disappointed in myself, did not have a great day yesterday by any means. After resisting my mothers homemade pies and desserts on the weekend, I gave in to Christmas "work treats" yesterday. There were 3 different trays of homemade Christmas sweets plus 4 tins of chocolates! And for me, once I have one....the whole day usually becomes a write off. Wasn't even hungry for supper when I got home. But, I ate....and then after supper I ate.
    Today...is a new day! I am not at work today so shouldn't be tempted by all of that, except that I had planned to make a couple of sweets to freeze for us for Christmas. I will do my best not to pick and test. lol

    Would like to get a workout in this morning after I'm done my baking and then this afternoon I have an apt for a cut and color. Have one last parcel to pick up from the mail and the usual laundry and cleaning up the house.
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @maureli that's one reason I'm not sad about not working--all the holiday treats everyone brings in. Like you I can't stop at just one taste. It'll all be over soon! Enjoy your salon trip and hope you can get your workout in.

    I'm still not doing very well, but I'm also not even trying I have to admit. I know I will be eating chocolates and cookies and crap over the holidays and have pretty much written off the next 11 days. I'm 5 lbs up from when I went off the rails, but that's actually better than I guessed before I got on the scale. I estimated 8 lbs up, so I was given a little surprise.

    Soda continues to be the thorn in my side.

    @nadiamayl and @kerryatoon how are you doing? does anyone know anything about @heatherc369? Wondering if she's ok.
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Good morning! Today was a weigh in day.. I'm weighing in weekly and the scale is moving in the right direction.. 2 lbs down! I'll be updating my measurements as well today. I'm doing great with my macros and water goals. I took two days off work to spend with my daughter for her break so it's. ack to work today. Have a date tonight... woohoo! :) I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! XOXOX!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I am soon heading out to pick up my son at the airport for the holidays. To my dismay it is giving a mixutre of rain/freezing rain and snow. It is over 3 hours to the airport, so it will be a very long day! I will stop in Halifax at the mall and do a bit of shopping. His flight doesn't arrive until 7pm so we won't get home til proabably 10 or later. I will sure be glad when today is over.
    @AZLisaLou - hang in there....it will be over soon! I have made some sweets now and they are haunting me. lol
    @kerryatoon - WTG....you are doing great and that's got to feel good! keep it up

    I did get workouts in the past 2 days, which I didn't really think would happen, so that's a plus. Today i'll be sitting in a car all day, or walking the mall. lol and tomorrow i'm having a big family supper so I doubt I'll have time to do much tomorrow.

    Hope it check in over the holidays regardless how busy it is. Have a great day everyone!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @kerryatoon great job on the 2 lbs! Excellent! I hope you enjoyed your daughter and your date.

    @maureli be very careful driving to/from the airport! good job on getting the workouts in.

    Me? Fighting a bipolar depressive episode, which doesn't make my off the rails situation any better since I'm an emotional eater.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Kerryatoon
    Kerryatoon Posts: 374 Member
    Hello ladies! It is becoming ridiculous at my office.. candy, chocolate, cheesecake, salty snacks GALORE! I had one Ghirradelli dark chocolate square today! VICTORY! I'm determined that I'm going to lose weight over Christmas. Then I'll be well on my way for the new year :)
    I had a great date!!!! And of course I enjoyed my time with my girl.. days off with her are always great. @AZLisaLou sorry to hear that you're struggling with your depression.. sending all the warmest hugs and support that I can. I hope you will have some relief soon. @maureli have a great time with your son! Such a nice time to spend with our kids. Great job on your workouts!!! I'm going to have to do a video at home tonight.. and tomorrow night I'm hosting a party so it will be busy busy. @NadiaMayl Wishing you a Merry Christmas with your family!!! @heatherc369 I hope you're doing well and healing!
    Good night! XOX!
  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    Merry Christmas!