Box Jumps... Tips anyone?



  • lilmissmanx
    lilmissmanx Posts: 81 Member
    We did box jumps yesterday. Girl from the box had to go and get stitches in her shin after a particularly gory fall!. I am soooo gonna wear shin pads for any max height box jump test. I dont care if it makes me look feeble. I like my shin flesh attached where it should be!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    One goat crossed off for ceffy!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    We did box jumps yesterday. Girl from the box had to go and get stitches in her shin after a particularly gory fall!. I am soooo gonna wear shin pads for any max height box jump test. I dont care if it makes me look feeble. I like my shin flesh attached where it should be!

    Agree. We have one fold-out pad that lays over the box perfectly and really helps remove that fear. Very useful for testing your max jump.
  • maranarasauce93
    maranarasauce93 Posts: 293 Member
    Ugh I love box jumps. I just want to build up the endurance to do them when having to do them in multiple rounds in a 6+ rep scheme. Biggest tip that helped me: "DO NOT LOOK DOWN!" By this I mean don't focus on the height of the box as you prepare to jump onto it. This will psych you out big time. Also, to build up to the height of the 20" box if it freaks you out, practice by jumping on stacks of 35 or 45lb bumper plates until you build up/feel comfortable going for 20". I am only 4'10 so if I can do multiple reps of 20" box jumps, anyone can :smile: !
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    One other thing I've seen that I thought was a good idea. Get the box to where you want and then lay a PVC pipe or broom handle across the top. stand to the side of the box and try to jump OVER the PVC. If you kick it it will just go flying and you'll land fine.

    If you can do it you'll build confidence for doing them on the box.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Am pleased to read you conquered the box jump - it's a big achievement when your fear is real. In regards to the HPU - it took me aaaages to get my head around being upside down. Like many others it had been many years since I had done a hand stand. My coach started me off with wall walks (start lying down on your tummy with your feet against the wall and then push yourself into push up position and slowly 'walk' backwards up against the wall). Keep doing this until you feel comfortable being upside down against the wall.
    I then went home and practiced against a wall for many days until I could get myself up on a handstand against the wall. Like all things CrossFit - practice, modify, practice ..
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    I smoked my shin on box jump overs last night, not the first time but definitely the worst time. That being said, I have seen MUCH worse on other people so I suppose I am somewhat lucky.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    michimew11 wrote: »
    My sister gave me the best advise ever. I had a mental block to jump up on a 14" box with an additional 4 inches in plates. I negotiated the box for 45 minutes before I found the nerve to try and jump, but chickened out at the last moment.

    She reminded me that I played soccer my entire childhood/high school --- and that I would get kicked/fall hard all the time. And that if I had a box fail - it would probably hurt less than what I used to endure playing soccer. Then I jumped, and cleared 18!

    Also - for my own mental blockness --- sometimes I wear shin guards - just in case.

    I completely understand the fear.

    I was going to suggest the shin guards!

  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    ascrit wrote: »
    I smoked my shin on box jump overs last night, not the first time but definitely the worst time. That being said, I have seen MUCH worse on other people so I suppose I am somewhat lucky.
