New Years Wellness Goals

antoniahd Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2017 in Social Groups
Each year, millions of people around the world pledge to change their lives at midnight on January 1st. Just like any resolution, the goal to be healthier, whatever that means for you, takes a change in behavior.

Last year, my goal was to be stronger - mind, body, and spirit. I think I moved the needle a little bit on that this year, and my goal for next year is to move it a little more.

I hear people say "New Year, New You" all the time, but I'm more inclined to say, "Eh, let's just say 'Better You'" - it just feels more attainable. I'm a realist, you see (lol). It's not so much about setting the bar low as it is about knowing yourself and moving the mark a little further with each goal met.

In my continuing quest to be stronger, I'm planning to eat more energizing foods, be more diligent/disciplined about incorporating activity into my daily routine, and begin practicing meditation. What behaviors are you planning to change in 2017 to be a healthier, stronger you?
