FitBit Help

My fitbit isn't logging my calories from all the steps I've done throughout the day into MFP. This is very frustrating! I got to over 5000 steps yesterday and it didn't log any of it! Anyone know how to fix it?? The only way my fitbit will update my steps is if I got onto the physical website and disconnect then reconnect the app. This has only started happening yesterday. Can someone help me properly connect my fitbit to MFP?


  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    It is properly connected if you ever got some info.

    You are having issues like many others, so it's not a matter of connecting differently.

    It's a matter of keeping an eye on MFP's list of known issues for 3rd party trackers.
    And sending in support ticket to MFP about it.

    If Fitbit is getting your meals anyway.
    If not, could be Fitbit side has issue.