Mini Goal Challenge - Week of January 1 - January 7 2017



  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello Warriors!

    I had a good visit with my orthopedic doctor today and now of course she wants me to lose 125 pounds to have knee replacement surgeries. I got my injections.

    Thanks about WW Paulette. I weigh in Tuesday at WW. Decided I like that day better than Friday for now. I may switch it up sometimes too. One month weigh in Tuesdays and the next month Fridays. Right now I am not sure I am feeling either of the leaders.

    I lost a pound Tuesday night. But on here I use my home scale for my weigh ins on MFP.

    Goals week of 1/2:
    1) Points within program - 2/7 (missed it: Tu)
    2) 7+ hrs of sleep - 0/4 (Did it: 0 )
    3) Check-in - 3/7 (F, Sa, Su, M)

    Jan WW Meeting (every Tuesday)
    Attendance - 1/5

    Jan WW Meeting (every Friday)
    Attendance - 0/4 (weigh in day)
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Hi Warriors! I checked in yesterday but somehow my goals didn't show. Sadly not much progress' but still time to do some things.

    Molly- I am glad you saw the doctor and got some relief. The weight loss may be daunting but don't look at the whole. Take small steps and know you want to improve how you feel. Hang in there.

    Hearts- I will do a workout today. How about you?

    Weds - Thursday check in
    My goals week of 1/2
    1. Check in daily 4/7
    2. 2 workouts 0/2
    3. Steps 5,000 5 times 1/5

    These are tough times but just keep going!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited January 2017

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hello, good job on checking in Paulette! My knees are feeling better everyday and I have 2 more injections for the next 2 Thursdays. I got my 7500 steps 4 days this week too!! Missed Friday's WW meeting. Not fretting it too much since I have still been on track. I may just go to Fridays when I have time or when I need to -- as long as make one meeting a week I am good.

    Goals week of 1/2:
    1) Points within program - 4/7(missed it: Tu)
    2) 7+ hrs of sleep - 1/4 (Did it: F)
    3) Check-in - 4/7 (Su, M)

    Jan WW Meeting (every Tuesday)
    Attendance - 1/5 (weigh in day)
  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Hi Molly- so glad your kness are getting some relief. Great job with your steps. You have done well with your goals.

    Hearts- I have not done workouts but the challenge is still out there. Keep trying. I hope you were able to make some progress on your cleaning and laundry this week.

    Sherri- hope you are feeling better and getting stronger.

    Friday - sat check in
    My goals week of 1/2
    1. Check in daily 5/7
    2. 2 workouts 0/2
    3. Steps 5,000 5 times 2/5
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Thanks Paulette! quick check in today!

    Goals week of 1/2:
    1) Points within program - 5/7(missed it: Tu)
    2) 7+ hrs of sleep - 1/4 (Did it: F)
    3) Check-in - 5/7 (M)

    Jan WW Meeting (every Tuesday)
    Attendance - 1/5 (weigh in day)

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Weekly Goals Jan 1st - Jan 7th

    Grocery shop Tues - done
    Laundry Weds - not done, hopefully Monday?
    Workouts this week 0/2 no
    Continue 1/2 hour of cleaning/organizing household daily 2/5

    Well my week wasn't fabulous but it was what it was. I think I'm still in recovery mode more than I realize, feeling a bit run down toward the end of the week.

    Forest I didn't get my workouts in for our challenge.. I wasn't a very good workout motivator this time. :#
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Sherry <3 & all I sure hope everyone is feeling a bit better with all the colds an all we've had. Sending healing hugs!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    edited January 2017
    Weekly Goals Jan 1st - Jan 7th

    Grocery shop Tues - done
    Laundry Weds - not done, hopefully Monday?
    Workouts this week 0/2 no
    Continue 1/2 hour of cleaning/organizing household daily 2/5

    Well my week wasn't fabulous but it was what it was. I think I'm still in recovery mode more than I realize, feeling a bit run down toward the end of the week.

    Forest I didn't get my workouts in for our challenge.. I wasn't a very good workout motivator this time. :#
    Good job on cleaning Hearts!! I too have been re-organizing & de-cluttering this year! I had a cleaning girl help me and we made a ton of progress. Now I have to do the rest and I am going to have her come back mid February to complete project. I could not do it without help and she was a great help too and worth every dime.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Goals week of 1/2:
    1) Points within program - 5/7(missed it: Tu, Sun)
    2) 7+ hrs of sleep - 1/4 (Did it: F)
    3) Check-in - 5/7 (M)

    Jan WW Meeting (every Tuesday)
    Attendance - 1/5 (weigh in day)
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