Week 5

showjumper Posts: 335 Member
Well here we are beginning of a New Year and a new week....

I did alright last week, I made 10,000+ steps each day except yesterday. I rode every day (except yesterday :) ) but really need to work on food and other exercise.

This week I am back to work on Tuesday but my dearly beloved leaves for work in the morning for 10 days, home for 2 then gone again for the remainder of the month. So.......... I am planning to make good use of the time to spend on me! I have done some meal prep already today by making 7 breakfasts and packaged up 5 snacks, all measured and recorded. I will see what I can do about lunches and dinners tomorrow, I have a ham in the oven for dinner tonight so maybe another pot of soup, I have a turkey and wild rice already in the freezer from last week. I also have to be more diligent about fruits and vegetables.

I am doing ok with my C25K the last few days but a couple runs in a row doesn't constitute doing well, so I will be content if I can get to the end of this week with 3 or 4 runs further along. I also feel that my dog has been a little neglected over the season so she will be built into the routine again.

I hope everyone is well and the gift of the new beginnings and fresh starts helps you obtain small steps towards your greater goals, and to remember that small setbacks are not failures but building blocks to knowing what we need to change to get down the paths.

take care!


  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    Sounds like a great plan. I'm inspired. That's a great point that setbacks are an opportunity to reevaluate and move forward.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    Loved spending time with my hubby over the holiday's, but he NEEDS to get back to work tomorrow so I can get my eating under control again ;) So my goal for the week is to get him back to work, eat less and workout more! It'll be a busy next couple of weeks as I need to get all of my horses' things and pretty much everything I own packed into my trailer so we can head south! Going to the vet tomorrow for coggins and health certs, which will be a pretty long day, but I will go to the gym the rest of the week and get back to logging everything.
  • tmcoyle
    tmcoyle Posts: 168 Member
    "Small setbacks are not failures, but building blocks." That is great! I am in a water challenge to drink a gallon of water a day. The first few days have been tough, but I hit it today. Better meal planning for me this week for supper as that is my struggle. I'm glad all the candies and cookies are gone at work as that is my kryptonite. Workout 6 days this week are planned out, but it looks to be below 0 for a few days, so not much time in the saddle. Make it a great one!
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    I started this group thinking it would help me to help others. Turns out you guys are inspiring me! The past couple of weeks have been a real struggle as far as fitness and weight loss. I read your posts and am so happy everyone is doing well. Today I decided I HAD to get back on track and that working out would help me deal with the anxiety of getting ready to head south for 10 weeks and signing a contract to buy a farm! I went to the gym and had a great workout and have eaten healthy today. I definitely feel refreshed and able to think more clearly now that I've burned off some of the anxiety :)
  • tmcoyle
    tmcoyle Posts: 168 Member
    @crimsongrey working out sure does help the anxiety of it all. If I don't make working out a priority it gets pushed aside. During the winter I have a hard time getting myself out of bed, so if I miss a morning workout I go at it as soon as I walk in the door from work. This week has been so cold I need to work out. Have any of you made an inspiration or motivation board ? I haven't, but I have friends who have.
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    Inspiration or motivation board? I call it Pinterest. Lol So many neat ideas and great inspirational photos to collect.
  • snookb276
    snookb276 Posts: 121 Member
    Summing up week 5. I didn't meet my workout goal of 3 yoga session, just did two. But, clocked a lot of steps at work and burned some calories cleaning stalls and carrying water. My diet was better than last week. It's supposed to warm up this coming week so maybe get some walks or snowshoeing in.
  • crimsongrey
    crimsongrey Posts: 329 Member
    @tmcoyle I have used motivation boards in the past and should be using one now! I do mine with a calendar, motivational quotes/words and pictures and put it up by my full length mirror. I've always found them helpful, especially with a countdown to a specific goal. Why didn't I get one up for my Aiken goal??! Dang it!