Checking In

Happy Tuesday....seriously feels like the longest week ever but then again I don't want it to end because I go back to work on Monday.

How is everyone doing?

Personally, I feel a bit hungover and fatigued getting rid of all the crap that was/is in my body (also, due to a cold...thanks kids) and I've got a bit of a protein problem as a former non-meat eater. Im looking up some protein powder recipes but the internet has a good way of showing you all the junk you shouldn't eat and I don't know if protein powder is the way to go. I don't want to have too much tofu oy! what's a girl to do.

Some people in the challenge are reporting feeling hungry. Remember to eat 5-6 times a day eating good protein and real food instead of processed food will help.

Keep plugging away team...let me know which of the three names listed on the title page that you like. I will refrain from picking one until I hear from everyone.

We've got this!



  • docarndt402
    docarndt402 Posts: 14 Member
    After looking at the amounts of broccoli and cauliflower etc that are required for a block; I have trouble finishing my plate!
    LoL, day by day...