My transformation Story

edmaly85 Posts: 1 Member
I am a mom, a daughter, a girlfriend, and I thought my weight didn’t affect any of my responsibilities. Until, my career as a hair stylist didn’t work and I decided to become a full time student. I gained about 10 pounds through my journey in community school. During my third pregnancy, I developed Asthma. The last three months of my pregnancy I gained more weight because I was given steroids to keep my lungs opened. By the time I graduated community college I was 267. I hated looking at my graduation pictures. I thought I needed to do something about my weight and health. I was changing careers from beauty to the health industry. How was I supposed to teach my patients to take care of their health, if notably I could not?
In the past, I had tried everything from going to a doctor to get prescription pills, to fad diets, to diet teas, even bulimia when I was a teenager, but all of this didn't work because of my psychological problem with food. Growing up I was taught that I had to finish everything in my plate. Family gatherings involved cooking and eating lots of enjoyable food. Even my dad used to reward me a Big Mac after visiting a dentist. I wondered why I didn't get attention from the opposite sex like my friends did, and after being bullied, I learned to put on a mask, an antisocial mask. It was my way to protect myself, to shield the pain.
Fast forwarding to the present, I am attending Nursing school, and thought, “I have three years to get and look fit.” I don’t want to cut myself short from getting my dream position as a nurse due to my weight. One day, I saw fitness quote from a friend’s wall in Facebook from this girl that had a "before/after" picture. I clicked in her name and her story seemed encouraging, so I subscribed. The next day she sends me a message asking why I subscribed, I didn’t think that this action would change my life forever. I had heard of Beachbody before because I owned Hip Hop Abs, so after talking to her; I signed up to a thirty day challenge with Shakeology. I told myself this would be the last thing I would try before weight loss surgery.
I was going through finals right before spring break, going through a lot of stress and I thought she was pushy, but didn’t realize that she was only trying to guarantee my success in this program. I started the challenge ignoring the negativity of everybody around me. My boyfriend was unable to believe in me anymore; he had sponsored the many failed diets. I wanted to show him that this time was serious. During the first 30 days, I lost 24 pounds. I signed up for a second 30 days and lost a total of 30 pounds, and loved working out with Les Mills Combat. I finished my first year of nursing school with 30 pounds less; this gave me the courage, and the confidence I needed to keep pushing forward.
I believe I changed my life because I had given up on myself; it was easier to avoid how uncomfortable I felt in my skin, than to confront it. My mom is chronically ill due to her weight problems. I will do what it takes to change my future, so that my boys do not have to see their mother get sick and die. I am ready to let my inner sexiness to show on my body. I am down 42 pounds, and about to start my third round of Les Mills Combat. I believe in myself, and feel that I can achieve fitness. I am changing bad habits by forming new healthy ones to keep forever. Can’t tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon. So as my trainers say, I will "Stay with the fight"!