Mini Goal Challenge - Week of January 8th to 14th



  • forestrose910
    forestrose910 Posts: 688 Member
    Hi Molly,
    that number sound daunting, but I remember having a conversation with a friend. at the time, I was told to plan to lose a pound a week. I thought that it would take forever and thus was not worth the effort. but as we talked we realized that had I done that beginning the previous year I would have been 52 pounds lighter.

    so take little steps and don't look at the big number. I know you have to keep that number ultimately in your mind. but do it on a weekly or monthly basis. One study that I participated in started out with a goal of 7% loss. then when that was reached. another 7%. might be a way to switch your mind around a bit. Do what works for you.

    I know you can do this and ultimately you will be healthier and in much less pain once you get the knee surgeries. good luck to you.
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