Introducing Myself

LZDNVG Posts: 5 Member
Hi Everyone!

Today, I started my second time doing 30 Day Shred. The first time I lost 5 inches around my waist and hips in just 30 days so I'm excited to start this journey again.

This time will be much harder for me. I weigh 205 as of today and I've had 2 babies in 2 years. I had a girl in November of 2015 and just had a second girl in November of 2016 (Irish twins :smiley:). I gained 55 lbs with my first girl and got pregnant fast so didn't get too much off and then gained 35 with my second so here I am at 205 (could be worse, right? Lol).

Would love if any of you would share your personal challenges with me. Let's all help motivate each other! As someone who's done the 30 day shred successfully before I'm very excited to do it again 2.5 years later!



  • Gauri01
    Gauri01 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow! That's amazing! I just joined and I am on day 4 of level 1.
    I know I am late joining this. But hoping the results of you all will keep me going and not give up.
    I am doing it with 2-4 lb weights. Hope to increase them, but for now, 4 lbs is a challenge.
    I have to lose around 35 lbs. so, it's a long journey. I hope to lose around 1-1.5 pound per week.