Sleeved 12.30.16?

I just had VSG on December 30th. I'm hoping to find a sleeve buddy to walk this journey with.


  • ejjprice1810
    ejjprice1810 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I was sleeved on the 22/12/16
    Happy to discuss our journeys and support each other :)
  • mrrloser
    mrrloser Posts: 5 Member
    hi, I was sleeved 11/14/2016. How is everything going? I started at 373 surgery day and am down to 324. 49 pounds down. Long way to go but taking it a day at a time.
  • lc2761
    lc2761 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello. Vsg 12/5/16. Nice to find this thread.
  • Krkr751
    Krkr751 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! 2 and a half weeks out post op. 5'7" HW 236, SW 228 (VSG 1/12/17), CW 213, GW 150. New to MFP app! Overall so far so good - all going as expected, but I'm hungry - wasn't expecting that.
  • mrrloser
    mrrloser Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I get hungry but I try to choose well and of course can only eat a small portion. I haven't exercised yet. But compared to what I used to eat ....... big changes.
  • NicoleL874
    NicoleL874 Posts: 684 Member
    If you guys are hungry and aren't on an acid reducer/blocker, try one. I was on Pepcid (an rx from my surgeon) for the first three months. The over-production of acid can mimic the feeling of hunger. You should not be feeling hunger that soon out.

    Also, feel free to join us here:

    We have lots of information there!