Calories vs macro breakdown

Here is some info from Katie!

Our team has been doing so well and hitting what we need but incase you are wondering about some of the scoring breakdown.

It is not better to be lower on cals than hitting your % macros. Macros make up 75% of the nutrition score...cals makes up 25% of it...that is not a coincidence. If you are plannning your days ahead of time, it is not hard to tweak things to get your % really close if not spot on. It just takes a little effort. I would stress trying to get those as close as possible to 40/30/30, because as you will learn in our next workshop, there are some nuances that result in the %s I calculate and score us on being slightly different than what MFP shows you. The closer you are to the target, the less likely that my calculation variances will push you out of that 5% threshold.
