Jan 22-Test for a Little While

srjames702 Posts: 41 Member
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Test for a Little While

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith-of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire-may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." 1 Peter 1:6, 7

When you think of going through some hard times . . . do your thoughts go immediately to a recent period that was especially stressful? Or perhaps you are in the midst of that pressure right now as you read these words! The fact is, trials happen. They are part of life . . . but the good news is they last only for "a little while."

One translation says, "for a season." Another uses, "short time." The nugget we need to mine out of this spiritual truth is that the hard times come . . . but they also go! Our job is to "get through," not with gritted teeth and murmuring, but instead in a victorious, God-honoring way.

I've been through my share of trials . . . and I would never want to repeat them or want them for anyone else. However, the lessons I learned while "getting through" were priceless for my faith. I experienced Christ and learned about trusting Him and about His faithfulness.

In 1 Peter 1:7 we learn that the trials come so that our faith can be proved genuine. In other words, the trials serve as a workout for our faith muscle. We have a choice, to either work it . . . or let the circumstance play out in our lives. If we are willing, we can pump up our faith, go to battle using the sword of the Spirit and Word, and not settle for anything except victory, which is the will of God.

Granted, God defines the victory, not us. That's why we need to trust Him in all ways and "lean not our own understanding." He knows what is best . . . and we reap His best when we "get through" His Way to His victory.

The verse also says that the result of the trial may result in praise, glory and honor when Christ is revealed. If you look at that closely, you will see that praise, glory and honor are outcomes of the victory!

Are you facing a trial now? Do you feel as if you're about to break? If you're saying, "Yes!" then I encourage you to hang on, continue to trust God and lean into Him and His Word. Tap into the power of prayer, praise and worship so you gain strength from His presence. Speak the Name of Jesus over your circumstances, bad report or stressful situation, and then thank the Lord for all the blessings He is already giving you . . . including the victory that you are about to receive.

The main thing is to get through . . . exercise your faith . . . and trust in the Lord who always wins. Remember, the promises of God are only for His children. They are yours and you can claim them!

Be blessed,

Susan Gregory
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