Jan 24-The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
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The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:16, 17
Dear Friend,
Do you know that you are NEVER alone? God's Holy Spirit lives in you and as you give Him room, He will lead you, direct you, help you, and speak to you throughout your day.
One of the times when I am most conscious of the Holy Spirit with me is when I read, meditate and study God's Word. The same thing has probably happened to you: I'll be buzzing along through the verses and then something strikes me. "Wow! I never saw that before!" Then I'll allow the truth to settle in my mind and I'll listen to see if there is more for me to learn. Sometimes there is, and sometimes not. But I will never know unless I give our Teacher the Holy Spirit time to speak.
Since acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit with me when I enter God's Word, my understanding has increased more than I can measure. We don't have to figure out what the Scripture has to say all on our own. We have a Helper to show us what we need to know and where we should focus.
The Holy Spirit isn't generally very loud. Instead, He is mannerly and waits to be invited into our circumstances. We also must quiet our own voices and the voices of the world if we are to hear Him. This may take some practice, but it is not hard. The Lord wants to communicate with us, answer our requests, and to show us the Way.
I hope you dip into the living water of God's Word at least once every day . . . and I encourage you to make it a group activity! That means you, the Holy Spirit and the Living Word. Ask the Lord to teach you and lead you to the truths that you need. He will lead you, direct you and give you answers. Maybe not instantaneously, but in short order.
Learn to quiet yourself and then to listen. He will speak to you . . . when you allow Him to be the Helper He is meant to be.
Be blessed,
Susan Gregory
"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:16, 17
Dear Friend,
Do you know that you are NEVER alone? God's Holy Spirit lives in you and as you give Him room, He will lead you, direct you, help you, and speak to you throughout your day.
One of the times when I am most conscious of the Holy Spirit with me is when I read, meditate and study God's Word. The same thing has probably happened to you: I'll be buzzing along through the verses and then something strikes me. "Wow! I never saw that before!" Then I'll allow the truth to settle in my mind and I'll listen to see if there is more for me to learn. Sometimes there is, and sometimes not. But I will never know unless I give our Teacher the Holy Spirit time to speak.
Since acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit with me when I enter God's Word, my understanding has increased more than I can measure. We don't have to figure out what the Scripture has to say all on our own. We have a Helper to show us what we need to know and where we should focus.
The Holy Spirit isn't generally very loud. Instead, He is mannerly and waits to be invited into our circumstances. We also must quiet our own voices and the voices of the world if we are to hear Him. This may take some practice, but it is not hard. The Lord wants to communicate with us, answer our requests, and to show us the Way.
I hope you dip into the living water of God's Word at least once every day . . . and I encourage you to make it a group activity! That means you, the Holy Spirit and the Living Word. Ask the Lord to teach you and lead you to the truths that you need. He will lead you, direct you and give you answers. Maybe not instantaneously, but in short order.
Learn to quiet yourself and then to listen. He will speak to you . . . when you allow Him to be the Helper He is meant to be.
Be blessed,
Susan Gregory
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