Support and Advice

Hi All,

If you are having a bad day or need some support then please tell us so as a group we can offer support and advice.



  • tishtee
    tishtee Posts: 13 Member
    Weighed in today and have lost 3lbs. Happy of course but also bit deflated. I've been really 'good' the past week or so, and just the thought that that's got to be it. No more gorging on chocolate and crisps... Anyway, just gorged on 250g of cherries (surprising un-calorific) and feel better for it. Anyone else?
  • alwayskari
    alwayskari Posts: 8 Member
    Weighed in today and have lost 3lbs. Happy of course but also bit deflated. I've been really 'good' the past week or so, and just the thought that that's got to be it. No more gorging on chocolate and crisps... Anyway, just gorged on 250g of cherries (surprising un-calorific) and feel better for it. Anyone else?

    It's really hard when you realize that it's what you're eating. I mean, I had no doubt I ate poorly, but seeing weight come off when I did better was a bit of a wake up call. Three pounds is awesome!! Good job!
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Three pounds is terrific tishtee. And what a great choice you made snacking on cherries. I have not been doing as well. I went to a retirement party last night. Then my husband and I went to a movie(complete with popcorn). Then out to lunch. Trying to find something to do out of the heat. Tomorrow we celebrate my daughter's birthday. The whole summer has been like this. I am trying to watch my portion sizes and exercising hard, but I am still 5 lbs over my lowest weight. I have got to get back down!
  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    It can be hard to find shelter from the heat to exercise during the summer. That's why when it's hot out I tend to keep the middle of the day fairly calm, my workout times (if I'm going outside) are usually first thing in the morning (pre-9am) or in the evening (8pm or later) once it's started to cool down.

    Don't let a bad day get you down. Just focus on one day at a time. "I'm doing it for today."
  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    I wanted to share a tool I use for weight loss because it helps motivate me.

    I am one of those crazy people who weighs myself every day. It's part of my routine every morning. The fluctuations don't bother me very much and I can often find them informative. They make me look back and consider what I did yesterday and if I need to try to change something.

    But I don't count on those daily weights to give me my overall weight. I use an app called WeightTrend+ ( It keeps track of my trend weight by smoothing out all those spikes and valleys for a more realistic number of what I weight and how much I'm actually loosing because it's not as affected by each jump, it's a more realistic picture of how much weight I've actually dropped.

    Just thought I would share my useful tool if anyone else is interested. Anyone else have any useful tools or tricks they use?