A Post To Make Me Feel Better About Where I Am At Today :)

heatherc369 Posts: 1,555 Member
On my profile I post My weight the 1st of every month so I can see my Monthly losses ( I also post a lot of other crap i track lol)

In 2015 I lost 35.7 lbs
In 2016 I lost 32.8 lbs

In 2017 I really want to tone, not sure what that will do to my weight but I know when I was at 150 and working out I felt good about myself. I am now 155 and not working out and I look so different! I was walking around in a bikini over the summer and feeling proud.....I would not get caught dead doing that right now! It is amazing how much your actual weight differs from your composition .....who knew 5 lbs would make such a difference , guess that's why working out is so important...who wants to be "skinny fat"?I know I don't...I have said it before and I will say it again ...I want GUNS and ABS dammit!!! SO that is my 2017 goal! I just need to pull my head out and stop being lazy....

Breaking my ankle totally screwed my roll I had going, but I will get it back to it ..I have to !


  • AZLisaLou
    AZLisaLou Posts: 240 Member
    @heatherc369 Breaking your ankle was devastating for your program, that's for sure. You have thrived in your exercising, and you can get there again. Just start just like you did before. Just try to remember what the key was that made you so successful before you broke your ankle. I know you can do this! You and @nadiamayl both had me so jealous with your dedication to exercising. This is a great 2017 goal for you. You can do it!
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Aww @AZLisaLou it's taken me a looonnnggg time to find that exercise drive and even longer for it to become something my body actually feels it needs. So just don't give up! Small steps.
    @heatherc369 I know you'll get back into it. The ankle, well, it was a reminder that life happens to put obstacles on our way, but I'm sure you'll find your route back!!! I feel similar, since it's been December (or even late November) that my discipline started to wander off. I just started back at the gym again yesterday, I realized my sanity needs it (and my family needs my sanity back, hahaha)! I've turned into such a grouch (or grouchier than usual.... ehem ehem)