Need Suggestions please

Imadarkswan Posts: 113 Member
There is no squat rack or power rack at my gym. Only a smith machine. I have had a co-worker who has been my workout partner and has been cleaning the weight for me and spotting me so that I can barbell back squat.

Our work schedules have been wonky and not compatible lately so we seldom get to workout together. On the days he has not been available to help I have been doing goblet squats with a dumb bell. Yesterday I used the 70lb dumbbell and had a hard time keeping the weight up high under my chin. I think the weight is getting to heavy for me to effectively goblet squat much more weight than that.

Also, when barbell squatting, I am now starting to get a bit heavier since my form has improved so I am worried that when my partner is available that cleaning the weight may get to be too much for him fairly soon. He is a young cocky little son of a gun so he will not admit when the weight gets to heavy for him and I am scared he will end up hurting himself. While I know I am considered on the untrained level, He is probably in between the novice and intermediate level and he over trains most of the time.

Any suggestions on some alternatives for me on squatting?

Changing gyms is not an option because I get my membership free at the Y since I work there and other gyms are at least 45 min away from home. I also work a 60 hour+ work week with 2 jobs and stay with my grandmother so working out at the Y before or after I get off work is the only option right now.
