Today a dog ran headfirst into my front tire!



  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Many years ago I delivered newspapers on my Viking Gold Sar bicycle (I miss that bike)

    I would encounter dogs on a regular basis, each time getting chased - thus improving my cardio ability :)

    On specific house only had a Sunday paper and they would often let their dog out to chase me - I complained to the newsagent, but they too thought it was funny.

    One Sunday I left my bike at the entrance to their driveway and quietly walked to the front door, I crunched the paper up and crammed it in their letter box (this is how you do it in the UK) and then started to run back to my bike - the house owners opened the front door, the dog bolted out after me and......

    Just as it got to me, I kicked it, really hard in the ribs (I aimed for its head and missed). The dog was pretty sturdy, but obviously shocked. It stopped and backed away looking at me. I stood my ground and it obviously realized that if it got too close it was going to get kicked again. The owner yelled obscenities at me, but I just stood there out-staring the dog.

    Eventually the owner called the dog back and once the door was closed behind it, I grabbed my bike and sprinted up the street..

    When I got back to the newsagent, they fired me for kicking the dog.......

    Oh well......

    I can't believe they fired you! I used to deliver pizza and I never had to kick a dog but if it one did come at me I would not hesitate to do so, I have had some stare downs though, I love dogs but if they're being vicious you have to show them who's boss.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290

    Wow that is insane, a case of stupid and irresponsible owners for sure!
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    oh no!!!!!, I had a raccoon come out and chase me last week.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Edited to include quote
  • mtnbiker62
    mtnbiker62 Posts: 33 Member
    Weird, but true story. I actually hit a fish with my bike. I was crossing a narrow stream, at a very shallow place, and a rainbow trout who had gotten caught in a little pool decided to make a break for deeper water at exactly the same time. I saw the flash of the sun reflecting off his scales just as he thumped into the tire. It kind of stunned him, so I picked him up and moved him to the new pool he was aiming for...he must have been okay, because he flipped his tail and swam off.
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Many years ago I delivered newspapers on my Viking Gold Sar bicycle (I miss that bike)

    I would encounter dogs on a regular basis, each time getting chased - thus improving my cardio ability :)

    On specific house only had a Sunday paper and they would often let their dog out to chase me - I complained to the newsagent, but they too thought it was funny.

    One Sunday I left my bike at the entrance to their driveway and quietly walked to the front door, I crunched the paper up and crammed it in their letter box (this is how you do it in the UK) and then started to run back to my bike - the house owners opened the front door, the dog bolted out after me and......

    Just as it got to me, I kicked it, really hard in the ribs (I aimed for its head and missed). The dog was pretty sturdy, but obviously shocked. It stopped and backed away looking at me. I stood my ground and it obviously realized that if it got too close it was going to get kicked again. The owner yelled obscenities at me, but I just stood there out-staring the dog.

    Eventually the owner called the dog back and once the door was closed behind it, I grabbed my bike and sprinted up the street..

    When I got back to the newsagent, they fired me for kicking the dog.......

    Oh well......

    I can't believe they fired you! I used to deliver pizza and I never had to kick a dog but if it one did come at me I would not hesitate to do so, I have had some stare downs though, I love dogs but if they're being vicious you have to show them who's boss.

    I CAN'T believe you weren't arrested for animal cruelty! This sickens me that not only you did this, that you are proud about it so you tell people!!
  • mutabo_
    mutabo_ Posts: 4 Member
    I had a similar thing happen a couple of months ago where a dog owner had their pooch off lead on the bike path. I came around a blind corner and the dog was on one side, owner the other. It was a little staffy or something and darted in between my front and back wheel. I flipped somehow and landed on my shoulder and head - seperated my AC joint, got concussion and don't remember the next few hours. It was maybe my 3rd ride on my shiny new bike. It's taken ages to recover and my next ride will be this weekend. All because some idiot couldn't keep their dog on a lead. Poor dog, was only a puppy and I have no idea if it was ok or not.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    I have the same dog chase me on my morning ride a few times a week. I see him on the road with his tail wagging, he waits for me to pass and then starts to chase me. I have now adjusted my rides to plan for a sprint when passing the dog and I think he knows it. Though he has never been agressive, he seems he can go farther each week. Guess we are both improving our cardio systems - LOL

    *and nobody has mentioned that "humans" have a tendancy to also jump in front of you while ridding. That's happend a few times to me and had to take evasive actions to avoid them.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    I had a similar thing happen a couple of months ago where a dog owner had their pooch off lead on the bike path. I came around a blind corner and the dog was on one side, owner the other. It was a little staffy or something and darted in between my front and back wheel. I flipped somehow and landed on my shoulder and head - seperated my AC joint, got concussion and don't remember the next few hours. It was maybe my 3rd ride on my shiny new bike. It's taken ages to recover and my next ride will be this weekend. All because some idiot couldn't keep their dog on a lead. Poor dog, was only a puppy and I have no idea if it was ok or not.

    i hope the dog owners chipped in on your medical!