New Member Introduction



  • Rdy4changes
    Rdy4changes Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, my name is Ashley and I am 37. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis, about 6 years ago. I was born with severe scoliosis so it was just another diagnosis on the pile of many. I deal with limited mobility and pain. Due to meds and just limited mobility, I have gotten up to 371lbs. I have an 18 and 12 year old, and I want to be around for them, and until this year, I was fairly active. walking 5k's with my younger son (with my walker, but doing it) and swimming.
    It was a rude awakening when I got on that scale at the doctors office this past week. My brain was very shocked, wow we are here. oh wow. So I downloaded DDP yoga, and MFP, and I have to make my best effort.

    Thanks for having me. Look forward to encouraging others and staying motivated along the way. Happy journey everyone.

  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Welcome and good luck! It’s hard when you’re in pain all the time but worth persevering.
  • Jadedraggin
    Jadedraggin Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, Terri here. Glad to see this group. As someone else has said, if you don't live it you don't understand it. Diagnosed with arthritis 30 years ago (I'm 65). Managed to find thru elimination diet that nightshades severely aggrivated my arthritis in my back and hip and large doses of naproxen helped reduce the inflammation and kill the pain. As I've gotten older, I've had to give up my meds because of kidney disease and lately I find little relief. I've been using a medical Marijuana tea which is mostly CBD that takes the edge off so I can sleep at night, but I can't function with it during the day. It's always something ....
  • melmerritt33
    melmerritt33 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Welcome! It’s really hard with meds, I ended up on nothing but over the counter painkillers because of side effects that I felt were worse than the pain! I also found out that foods cause a lot of my pain after going on a zero carb carnivore diet to try and resolve IBS issues. After a few weeks not only was my IBS better but so were my pain levels, I don’t need to take painkillers every day now. So it’s a matter of trying different things and finding out what works for you. I know a lot of people seem to be sensitive to nightshades and feel a lot better when they exclude them so there’s obviously something in that.
  • Beelady516
    Beelady516 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new here I came over from Sparkpeople..I have severe osteo Arthritis. It is hard some days but I'm still quite active ..I'm glad I found this Team 🙆🌠💕