Need an Extra Push This Week

alwayskari Posts: 8 Member
I have a good feeling that I'll need a little extra push this week. Usually I menu-plan and cook with my husband, who is also dieting with me. It's just me this week though, so I won't have him looking over my shoulder when I grab for the snacks. I know I can focus and power through, it's just always harder when there's not someone there to slap my hand. So I'm going to pretend all of you are standing in my kitchen. :P



  • Kaytee86
    Kaytee86 Posts: 88 Member
    When I really need to school myself mentally, I bargain with myself. I look up how many calories that snack I want is and figure out how long I would have to work out to negate that snack. Often my laziness will win out of over the snack. There is no way I want to do a three hour workout for a chocolate bar. lol.