#Spoonie needs ideas, help. Has a new group.

eckelsburrows Posts: 17 Member
Hi, I have been a 99% dairy free vegetarian, allergic to shellfish, with sensitivities to eggs, too much hemp, since 2000. I do eat white fish. I an a #spoonie, with a laundry list.

I have had MS since 2006. One of the least appreciated "gifts" from it was gastrparesis, a serious digestive disorder. I have started a group titled:

Digestive Disorders Weight Gain Maintain

for anyone like me struggling daily to get in enough calories to survive.

Anyone here with such issues is welcome to come visit.

I am very low income, fixed income in New Hampshire (no taxes no safety net, just a few ragged strings) I get $16 in food stamps a month to add to the $60-100 I manage to pull together out of my income.

My Nutrionist, knowing we can't get Medicaid to cover the 3 bottles of Ensure Enlive I am prescribed, and knowing I have about 20 bags of shelled raw hemp seeds and rice is cheap, came up with the idea to have my home care aides make rice and hemp milk from scratch using nylons and lots of twisting and squeezing. My sister found clearance multivitamins we can crush in a powder. We have sugar, EVOO to add fat and calories. I have some flavorings.

Basicly, we have to make 60 8oz fake ensures by hand. Every month. On top of the 90 table food meals, that have to be fine dice. And, we have to do all this with pretty much with what I have in stock until my GoFundMe.com/BrendaRehabHelp starts ticking up. But it is also raising for dentures, wheelchair, home care, and copays.

Anyone with very cheap vegan or vegetarian ideas to make the fake ensure better? Or ideas of what I can add to make a 12-14 ounce smoothie?
Or turn it into pudding?
Or how to make it into ice cream in my electric ice cream maker?

*laughing* yeah that's a lot of questions. But, see it is not just me.

My nutritionist... all the nutritionists here in New Hampshire, they all got clients like me. We have probably 200 some people who are literally being starved to death by the state of New Hampshire because it won't give us food stamps to take into account our special dietary needs and at the same time they won't cover the ensure to supplement what we can afford to buy to eat.

Many poor here are vegetarian by default, only get meat on Friday unless they hunt or fish. That's what got me by before I was widowed. We lived right across the street from a lake. My Brian, my stepson would catch perch mostly. It didn't matter, it was protein.

Oh, I do eat eggs, but like any animal product, my system can't take too much of it. 2 eggs every few days, etc. I can handle the small amount of dairy in baked goods, Can cheat a little with butter sometimes. But it is a thin line. Ensure, I can handle. Same thing with generic Rite Aid ensure. Boost, however has more milk and it is less broken down, even 1 bottle makes me sick. I mostly use dollar store shelf stable soy milk. My brother treats me to Silk' cashew almond and soy eggnog a couple times a year.

Like I said, there are probably 200 or so of us left. (Some Gatroparesis pals I had online already died). So any ideas any of you have that work...we will get them out to NH nutritionists asap.

If you are in NH, please call your state senator. SB7...they are going to require even us Spoonies to work or volunteer, and my aides who get food stamps won't be allowed to deduct child care expenses. Two of my aides quit because child care here runs $5-8/hr, and you can't get hired by a home care agency unless you have a fully insured car - even though they haven't been allowed to drove us anywhere for 5 years.

Last thing is anyone in Rochester/Somersworth/Dover TriCity area who might be able to volunteer to help. .or anyone interested in filling my home care hours. 33 are covered by the state, and pay starts at $10.50/hr. 30 he's a week I have to pay for myself. And if I take too much a month from the GoFundMe, I lose my rent subsidy, so I can't pay the usual $22/hr private pay rate.

Thank you,
B EckelsBurrows
New Hampshire, USA