Fitness Plans!



  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member
    *writes all this down*
  • CalorieCounterGuy
    CalorieCounterGuy Posts: 27 Member

    I'll help as much as I can! Everyone responds differently to ketosis, but staying below 50g carbs a day is pretty safe. A banana is about 35g carbs but I don't recommend other people eat them while in ketosis. Take no risks! Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion.

    To know if you're in ketosis: you can find Keto Sticks at Walgreens. They are little strips used to test the level of ketones in your urine. As long as the strip changes color, you're in ketosis! If you get a headache, drink some broth. The salt will make it go away :)

    Oh wow! Thank you, I am learning so much. I am going Walgreens today for sure. I totally thought it was calories and not grams of carbs - shows what I know!
    My goal is to do cardio 5 days a week for 30-40 minutes and 3days of weight training..i uses Body for life before so i may try again.

    I do Body for life (on the cardio/weight side of things), I love it! Can't wait to hear your progress.

  • CalorieCounterGuy
    CalorieCounterGuy Posts: 27 Member

    Just got them, let's see if I'm pregnant!
  • Baphometta
    Baphometta Posts: 153 Member
    How come this keto strip says I'm pregnant?

  • incendiumx
    incendiumx Posts: 18 Member

    I gravitate towards lower carb eating habits, which makes anaerobic activities (kickboxing/running) far more difficult. Eating a banana beforehand provides lots of potassium, B vitamins, and a small amount of carbs to make the workout more enjoyable. Fortunately it doesn't kick me out of ketosis, but it might for others. But it certainly makes sprints more enjoyable :)

    Another question: How do you know when you are kicked out of ketosis or not? I remember reading somewhere if you digest something under 40-50 calories, it shouldn't kick you out. A banana has about 100 calories, how does it not kick you out but will kick someone else out? Thanks for sharing, I'm learning.

    I'll help as much as I can! Everyone responds differently to ketosis, but staying below 50g carbs a day is pretty safe. A banana is about 35g carbs but I don't recommend other people eat them while in ketosis. Take no risks! Sorry, I didn't mean to cause confusion.

    To know if you're in ketosis: you can find Keto Sticks at Walgreens. They are little strips used to test the level of ketones in your urine. As long as the strip changes color, you're in ketosis! If you get a headache, drink some broth. The salt will make it go away :)

    Hey! Another Keto guy! First off: The keto strips only work during the early phases/if youre not burning the ketones for some reason. If things are going the way theyre supposed to be, your body should be consuming most of those ketones for energy, not excreting them in your urine :)

    And 50g of Carbs? Thats really high for any version of a ketogenic diet that i am familiar with. Why so high? Ive typically heard 30g MAX (sub 20 best) of carbohydrates to maintain ketosis - The exception being some small portion of glucose/glucose based candy right before a workout that will be burned off long before having a chance to be stored away :)
  • crowleyed72
    crowleyed72 Posts: 247 Member
    Now that I'm watching what I eat and making myself eat healthy I'm finding it hard to hit calorie goal healthy food feels me up quickly. Any else see this?
  • incendiumx
    incendiumx Posts: 18 Member
    Now that I'm watching what I eat and making myself eat healthy I'm finding it hard to hit calorie goal healthy food feels me up quickly. Any else see this?

    The KEY thing you need to make sure to do, is to hit your protein macros. Your body 100% needs protein to maintain your muscle mass. The rest, listen to your body. Fat before carbs. Watch your micronutrient intake too.