Introduction, and help needed

I am 33 and have known for a few years that I have had PCOS. However, I'm not dealing with it well. I keep gaining weight as a result and am now at my highest weight. I am supposed to be taking Metformin but it just makes me SO sick and causes terrible headaches and nausea . I have decided that I want to change to "clean eating" but, I'm trying to ease into this transition. I know part of my problem is that I don't drink enough water, and probably don't drink enough of anything in general. What diet works best for PCOS?

I finally have found a doctor that seems to be able/willing to work with the PCOS which is definitely causing infertility in my case. I feel like I'm going to end up being too old to get pregnant. I get depressed because I can't get pregnant, then I eat because I get depressed, then I gain weight because I eat.....then I get depressed because I gained weight....etc. It's a never ending cycle that is only getting worse for me. Now I have constant body aches and lack of energy and I'm just miserable, my body hurts so bad in the mornings I can hardly move. I know I am rambling. But if anyone out there reads this and has any advice for a good way to get out of this slump I am in, please let me know.