I don't need your approval!! Or do I?!?!? 7/23

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member

Now I really don't expect you to read the whole thing because I didn't. I wanted for us to get the CHALLENGE of what the question means to you and how you react??? How do you deal with approval?
You don't have to answer here but I truly believe we all need to assess ourselves adn see where we are on the continuim (sp) and see what adjustments need to be made.
This is sooooooo paramount to weight loss, maintainence and how you treat others! Challenge yourself and be honest with yourself bu because you have to live with you!!!!!!



  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    One of the bigger reasons I've lost as much weight as I have is because I stopped listening to people who are fat. I'd hear all sorts of advice from fat people that told me I needed to do one thing or another. I'd try it a little bit and it didn't work for me. Well, it obviously didn't work for the fat person either. While it's nice to have validation, it's better to have success. If you want to lose weight you talk to someone who used to be fat but isn't anymore. They did something right. Talk to people who work on other people's fitness and have good success. They helped people do something right. Listen to them. Seek advice from them. Have them validate what you do. Those are the only people who should matter. Otherwise you're just wasting your time being placated.

    *I'm not talking about anybody here. I'm talking about people in my real life giving me horribly bad broscience advice.