Pregnancy and Caloric Intake

crystalirene12 Posts: 58 Member
I am really struggling with how many calories I should be consuming per day. I have gained 15 pounds so far and I am 21 weeks today. I personally don't think that is too bad but it is my first and I was overweight (186) to begin with. I am just scared I am going to put on another 20 or so pounds and I was really aiming to stay at a 20 pound gain. I know they say that loosing weight is not good when pregnant. I am just trying to find a happy-medium so I am not gaining too fast or loosing and I know where I should be calorie wise. I have logged my food the last few days at 1500 per day. Before pregnant I tried to only consume about 1200 per day. The last few months I didn't log and I am sure I was consuming close to 3000 calories per day as all I wanted was salty greasy good, anything grilled made me gag. Though these last two days I just feel ravished with hunger. Should I up them to 2000 and see how that goes? Any advise is appreciated.


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    At 4 weeks pregnant I was 198lbs and was told by my midwife only to gain between 7 and 14lbs. This would be similar for you. I ate maintenance calories and continued to work out. (I'm 5ft 5" and mfp reckoned my maintenance was 2140 calories for reference). I've done my best to follow this, eating these calories vut not always all of my exercise calories. I lost a few pounds in the first trimester, dropped to 192lbs and now in the second trimester I'm putting it back on and am just below my starting weight at 26 weeks. You should also be eating maintenance calories and as you are overweight like me you've no need to add any extra calories, but you may want to take a good prenatal vitamin. Check all this out with your healthcare professional and make sure they are of the same opinion. But I would concentrate on eating as healthily as can be and may be up your exercise a little. You probably will gain more as baby starts a growth spurt around now until 28ish weeks, but you still need to burn calories. The best ways to do this as you get heavier include walking and swimming. If you are used to doing more vigorous exercise carry on, but be aware of your body's new limits and don't overdo it. I do recommend you also discuss all this with a doctor or midwife or nutritionist, etc and work out your own individual lifestyle plan to ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    I am simply ravenous and dont know if it's I'm actually hungry or if it is my food addiction. I crave a ton of sugar! I wish I could get control. I"m so afraid I'll harm my baby.
  • Pukenui
    Pukenui Posts: 31 Member
    You have to eat when pregnant, sometimes you just need that extra energy when baby has a growth spurt. Maybe just let yourself have 2 days when you go over. I stopped logging at 5 1/2 months pregnant and I swear I was eating about 3000-4500 cals a day sometimes but I've only gained 7kgs (14lbs) now at 7 1/2 months. Just don't be too strict on yourself, there is always time to lose weight afterwards.

    However mass sugar cravings need to be monitored as you don't want gestational diabetes!!!
  • heathermora11
    heathermora11 Posts: 154 Member
    Hang in there! My advice is to try and first fill up on as much healthy food as you can, get in those few veggies that sound appealing. For me lately it has been chopped spinach and romaine salad every night for dinner, cut up cucumbers and carrots at lunch and a green smoothie in the morning. And I eat at least 1-2 cut up fruits each day to, plus whatever I throw in my smoothie. Try to drink lots and lots and lots of water. Like I basically have a water bottle permanently attached to my hand. Your baby will so appreciate you providing lots of nutrients. All that to say, I don't believe it is about adding a certain number of calories. Adding 300 calories of veggies and lean meat? Awesome! Adding 300 calories of chocolate (like I am known to do!)... probably not so helpful for baby. It is hard, but you can do it! Just keep taking each snack and meal one at a time and make the best choices you can. You can do it!
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I honestly wouldn't listen to what docs say at this point. You're gonna gain what your body wants you to. Of course if you overeat, you'll gain more. I've been watching everything I eat and I was 204 when I got pregnant, I've gained 21 lbs, they wanted no more than 15. I've been swimming a lot and eating around 1500-1700 calories a day. It's just not in it for me not to gain what I have already.

    Eat when you're hungry, not when you're not. Eat healthy things. Don't listen to old ladies telling you that you're eating for two and eat more just for the sake of eating more. I was dumb and young when I got pregnant the first time and put on 60 lbs because I had all this crappy advice coming at me. I gained around 25-30 with my 2nd and only 21 with this baby and I'm almost 37 weeks.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member

    However mass sugar cravings need to be monitored as you don't want gestational diabetes!!!

    That really doesn't matter, GD can happen to anyone, healthy or not.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member

    However mass sugar cravings need to be monitored as you don't want gestational diabetes!!!

    That really doesn't matter, GD can happen to anyone, healthy or not.

    Agreed - mass sugar cravings are not healthy, and are worse if you have GD, but they won't cause GD. GD is a hormonal and placental strain on your body - you can't do anything to get it or not get it while pregnant.