Need a little push


I'm 38 and the mom of a toddler. Finding time to exercise when I work full time, then care for my daughter in the evening and on weekends, is a little difficult. I hate the fact that I have gained weight and need to lose it for my health as well as my daughter.

Any ideas?


  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Wow these boards are quiet at times!!

    Can you take her for walks? How old is she?

    I work full-time and have 2 kids who are busy, so it is difficult to balance sometimes.

    As bad as it sounds, you may have to sacrifice a little time with her (as long as it's not every day), in order to make time for you. Do you have a partner/family/friends who can watch her while you do your thing? If not, find a good jogging stroller, see if there are mommy & me fitness classes, take her swimming.. the YMCA in my area has child minding - you drop them off before you work out, and you pick her up when you're done.

    Also, there are many, many, many fitness programs that you can do at home. My workout time is in the evenings after the kids go to bed. My me time.

    Make sure your eating is on track. I lost my first 20lbs doing nothing but meeting my calorie goals! You don't NEED to exercise to lose weight (although it benefits you).

    Good luck!
  • ToddlerMom2011
    ToddlerMom2011 Posts: 8 Member

    I didn't realize you had replied. I was expecting some kind of notification. No matter, I know to keep checking back now.

    In response to your questions, yes I can take my daughter for walks, but only on the weekends. I try to put her in the stroller and walk to a playground and back at least 1 day of the weekend. She is 27 months, so this also includes chasing her around the playground.

    I work full time as well, but I have been getting up about 15 mins early and have been able to get in about 30 mins on my recumbent bike before she wakes up. Since sometimes it is shorter than that, I try to do it every day.

    Plus I am watching my food and my husband has been great with making healthier meals for supper.

    So, I seem to be on the right track. I lost 2 - 2.5 pounds the first 2 weeks. If I can keep that up, I should be at my healthy weight by early October. Though I am not over weight, I do have BP issues, so staying active and no extra weight is keep to controlling it (on top of my daily medication). Plus it is helping me have more energy to keep up with my daughter. Now to get my husband onboard, he needs to lose at least 20 pounds.