5/10 Wednesday Day 10 SLBC



  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm new here :) . I'm going to start today then back up and catch up on reading and learning and perhaps some posting where appropriate. I've skimmed some of the challenges over the last several days and have began to be more aware of sitting less, especially time spent on the desktop computer. I can't stand at our compute desk as I would be standing hunched over, so I must learn to travel down fewer rabbit trails while surfing the web :noway:

    Yay! a walking challenge!! Walking is my favorite exercise. Today: 3 miles "indoor walking" (Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD walk: Burn Body Fat) and 30 minutes walking outside. I made my outside neighborhood walk moderately easy today as I am just recently getting back into my exercise routine again, and today I finally was able to do a "3 mile" DVD walk.

    Thank you for posting the walking infographics. Because I am in my mid 60s I was especially encouraged to read about the positive effects that walking has on the bones, brain, memory, longevity etc. And the brain scan infographic was enlightening.

    Thank you for this making this Sit Less group!


    Welcome @texasgardnr to Sit Less Boot Camp! We are very happy to have you join us! The Day 1 through Day 3 challenges would be good to review if you are so inclined. I'm glad you enjoy walking. As you can see from the previous postings, it's a favorite activity for many of us. And profoundly beneficial to our health.


  • HappyAnna2014
    HappyAnna2014 Posts: 214 Member
    I got in more walking today than I have in long time! I'm recovering from an old injury that I aggravated in October. I'm not sure if it is the physical therapy or the Aleve, but I am slowly getting back to where I was before October. I forgot how much I like walking, and getting in as many steps as I can each day.
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    It was a beautiful day. Took the kids out to the playground in the morning, and we walked to a different playground and then a friend's house in the afternoon. It is actually so much easier to keep everyone happy when we're outside!
  • RDancer5
    RDancer5 Posts: 13 Member
    I am a day behind due to a nasty cold, bluh. I have been doing great with my morning walks, but of course not on the day it is the assignment haha :) I will be doing an extra long one today!
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    5/10.... 2712 steps
  • jlperiard
    jlperiard Posts: 107 Member
    Today I was suffering from fatigue, so I didn't walk and napped a lot. I did do some of my one thing by moving every hour (when I wasn't napping). I even did some squats and stretched out my hips. That felt great.