5/15 Monday Day 15 SLBC



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,013 Member
    My 50's were so great for checking off things on my bucket list, I'll have to start a new one for my 60's. :) In my 50's I got my Master's degree, lost 50 pounds and got fit, took a trip to NYC with my sister and a trip to London with two of my daughters, started dancing, made a Regency ball gown and attended a Jane Austen Style Ball (actually I have made two ball gowns and attended more than a dozen balls).

    So, whenever I hear someone moaning that they are turning 50, I always tell them my 50's were my best decade, but I'm trying to make my 60's top it.

    A small bucket item on my new list: I would like to recreate the 1960's suit my mother made for her second wedding. I will be a big challenge, but I've got a photo (thanks to my sister-in-law who digitized all her family photos, I've got the silk (thanks to a shopping trip after Christmas to L.A.'s fabric district), and I've got a couple vintage patterns (thanks to Etsy). Today I decided which pattern I'll start with for my first muslin. The suit needs to be done by the end of July so that I can wear it for Costume College.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I LOVED hearing about your bucket list and other goals and the steps you are taking to make your goals a reality!
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    Monday..May 15th...I did it.I beat Sunday not by much but I hit 6931 steps....

    Now for the ret of my challenge/bucket list I will remember starting right now why I began this journey. I wanted to be heathier and lose the weight. I been fluctuating between 6.8-10 lbs to reach my initial goal. Lately I keep falling into my old habits and I won't get not he scale till t he end of the week. I think sitting around and not being able to do the things I enjoy have added to my demise however today is new I am walking more though not for my nice long walks that I enjoy but I will remember why I wanted this and how well you all are doing. Thanks for the challenge.
  • RDancer5
    RDancer5 Posts: 13 Member
    I have two items for the bucket list challenge. I recently moved to a new city and have been meaning to find a studio to pick up dance lessons again. Today I will make a promise to myself to do some research and find a place! I also have a 50 lb weight loss goal which I know sounds intense, but I think this week I will have 10 down, and wow, did I not see that happening anytime soon! I am so happy to have this boot camp in my life and some positive motivation!
  • PrincessMom08
    PrincessMom08 Posts: 120 Member
    My bucket list is traveling. There's so many places I really want to see! Coming up in October I get to visit Nashville for the first time for my niece's bachelor party :smiley: but my number one spots are Thailand, Ireland, and Scotland!
  • jlperiard
    jlperiard Posts: 107 Member
    I guess one item near the top of my bucket list and closest to being accomplished is going to Canada's Wonderland for the first times in years and actually be able to fit on the rides and walk around.
    It was so embarrassing going there, getting on a roller coaster and then having to get off the ride because they couldn't buckle the seat belt or I didn't fit in the seat.
    My daughter is buying a seasons pass and will need rides there. It will give me a great excuse to go.