5/19 Friday Day 19 SLBC

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited May 2017 in Social Groups

Theme: Next Steps & Survey

We are now in the homestretch of Sit Less Boot Camp, with three daily challenges remaining. I have thoroughly enjoyed the last 3 weeks and I’ve gotten re-energized by your enthusiasm for sitting less and moving more. As Boot Camp winds down, it's a good time to think about the progress you’ve made this month and what might come next.

Today’s Challenge: Today’s challenge has several short components, intended to help you keep moving long after May is over. And it also helps me expand the reach of Quitting the Sitting and improve Sit Less Boot Camp when it's offered again this October and in May 2018.

It's a three part challenge:

1. Social Media: If you're on Facebook or Twitter, please consider liking or following Quitting the Sitting's Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/quittingthesitting) or Twitter feed (@QuitTheSitting). New posts are added 2-3 times a week. No spam, just regular updates, helpful tips, and ideas to keep moving!

2. Please take a few minutes to fill out the on-line evaluation survey and tell us what you liked (or didn't like) and how we can improve Sit Less Boot Camp. I listen to your feedback. The survey form is here: http://www.quittingthesitting.org/sit-less-boot-camp-evaluation.html

Your comments, ideas, and suggestions are most welcome and appreciated!

3. There are lots of ways to build on the foundation you've established this month and keep on moving. Check out the Next Steps page on Quitting the Sitting for some ideas and resources: http://www.quittingthesitting.org/next-steps.html. If you’d like to learn more about the habits building process and create several small new habits for yourself, I highly recommend BJ Fogg’s online Tiny Habits program (and it’s free!).

Thank you! I hope you have a chance to get outdoors and enjoy a favorite activity today!


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I also wanted to mention something that may not be obvious on the Quitting the Sitting website. I derive no income from QTS and receive no financial support from anyone or any organization. I absorb all the operating expenses myself on my very middle class income. I do this because, bluntly, excessive sitting is killing us and making us sicker than we would be if we were routinely active. Small steps and little habit tweaks go a long way toward reducing the risks of sitting disease. I want to get the word out as best I can to as many people as I can reach. I think Sit Less Boot Camp is a great vehicle for doing just that.
  • pizzafruit
    pizzafruit Posts: 317 Member
    Until this boot camp I didn't take time to think about how sedentary I really have become. Sitting really is like any other habit, you just do it and don't take the time to analyze it. This boot camp has been an eye opener for me. Moving has helped with my depression and easing the stiffness in my knees. I appreciate the thought and time you've given to assure the success of this and future Boot Camps. Thank you!
  • TKlepac
    TKlepac Posts: 21 Member
    This is an awesome challenge and I've gotten a lot out of it. More mindful about my daily activities and how I can move more and sit less. My body feels better and is stronger. Thanks for putting this together. I want to stay strong as I grow older.
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    ^ I can't believe we're nearly at the end of the boot camp already. I've really enjoyed these challenges and the information that you've shared. Thank you so much for putting this together!
  • meganepreston
    meganepreston Posts: 487 Member
    Yay! I was wondering what happened to Auna and hoping all is well with her. Glad to see the daily challenges return :)
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,023 Member
    I love this challenge, and I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into creating the content - a bit like teaching an online class. Thank you!

    I'm very glad to hear that you will be posting challenges because I like the idea of challenging myself every day.

  • HappyAnna2014
    HappyAnna2014 Posts: 214 Member
    77tes wrote: »
    I love this challenge, and I really appreciate all the time and effort you put into creating the content - a bit like teaching an online class. Thank you!

    I'm very glad to hear that you will be posting challenges because I like the idea of challenging myself every day.

    I totally agree!! And I think your Facebook page is great. I frequently send your posts out to my work exercise buddies, and I think it helps. We have a health and fitness group that was originally formed for most of us to lose weight. We still do fitness activities together. Some of the group have given up losing weight, and I think that it is good to pass on this information so they can improve their health a little. Others in the group think it is OK to re-gain the weight as long as you don't go over your starting weight (one guy actually said that was his plan--eat what he wanted now as long as he doesn't go over his starting weight). Me -- I worked so hard to lose the weight and be healthier that I'm not going back to the way I was -- you couldn't PAY ME to go back to being heavy and sedentary. Life is just to good now!! And I"m always looking for ways to move more. :smiley:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    catch up post: May 19: 45 minutes walking outside. Oh my goodness, it was :grumble: so humid and hot :glasses: when I walked this evening. But there were enough moments of wonderful breeze to make it bearable to press on and not head home o:) . Between the monthly challenge that goes on at the "Leslie Sansone Walk At Home" group that I have belonged to for a long time, and what I learned here on this group I had to get my walk in tonight.

    And I have been standing as much as possible or when I realize that I could be :) . I've been thinking about what will be my special "one thing" to do that I had read about earlier in the month's posts.

    I will check out today's new resource and fill in the survey real soon. I only have time right now, as it is late here, to try to catch up on past day's posts. The past three days flew by with little time to be on the internet.

    Now quickly on to the weekend pages before I go to sleep :yawn:

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,356 Member
    On May 19th I was away on a girls' weekend in Chicago. I got so many steps in, I couldn't believe how active I was and how I didn't even feel tired or sore from it!

    Thank you so very much for this challenge. It has really opened my eyes as to how much time I spend sitting on my derriere doing nothing! No more "I don't have time" excuses! I do have time if I get up off that couch!

    This has been wonderful and I am so excited to hear that there will be more challenges in this group! This is the first challenge I've ever done on here and I was sad it was ending already! :)