new here

MenayD Posts: 31 Member
hey everyone! new to Les Mills, but I am super excited! Got invited to an awesome challenge group on FB that is going to start in August sometime I think (here is the link to it: and it was the first I had heard of Les Mills Combat! I watched some videos and I think I will become hooked. Plan to do the FB challenge, but I thought "why wait" so as soon as it arrives (which should be really soon) I hope to start working out with all of you lovely people! :)


  • HeatherBrookmyer
    HeatherBrookmyer Posts: 41 Member
    I just started week 2 feel free to add me if you want!
  • I just started today! Add me if you want! looking forward to having support buddies!
  • Hello all

    Now that I am finally settled I am going to start les mills body combat, looking for some support buddies to help me through this. My wife will be joining me in the venture. and transforming herself in the process.
  • currlee
    currlee Posts: 395 Member
    Today was day two of Combat. I did Insanity this whole year and was done with hour long workouts for now. I needed to lighten it up and change it up. It's awesome feeling soreness in new muscles!