August Goals

kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
Since my journey with MFP, I've been part of a group on here for people wanting to get to ONEderland. Every month, they did a thread where members could post their goals for the month and check in weekly to record how things were going. I entered ONEderland back in March and have stuck with the group because it was so encouraging and supportive and filled with wonderful people with similar goals... I left the group this morning as my goals are now a little different.

BUT, I'm stealing the idea of the monthly goals thread!! Hopefully it will help encourage and support my fellow mamas here in this group :)

Please join me!!

And also feel free to add me. Looking forward to a great month of August with all of you :flowerforyou:


  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    AUGUST SW (7/26): 184.6
    AUGUST GW (8/30): 179
    I weigh-in every Friday..

    My parents are here visiting starting today until August 4th. My goal for the week that they are here is to make healthy eating choices, not to go overboard with alcohol and to make time to exercise. I still have to work while they are here so that will help. I plan to walk at least 3 days on my lunch break.
    For the rest of the month, I will concentrate on exercising more than what I have been. I'm thinking about starting the 30DS again on Monday the 5th.
  • jessimamma09
    jessimamma09 Posts: 7 Member
    Goals...I stink at setting goals lol

    Aug SW (7/26): 197.2
    Aug GW: 190 (I hope thats reasonable)

    I weigh in sporadically lol

    I have no clue how much weight is normal/healthy to lose in a months time. I am so new to this. Hopefully my goal is reasonable. I do tend to lose pretty quickly until I hit the 190 mark anyway! So maybe I can do it! I havent been drinking my usual Mt Dews :) I have my morning coffee (which i've tried to cut back the sugar in) & then I drink water & Kool-aid the rest of the day. If I would set the same rules for myself as I do for my kids I'd be in good shape lol They are allowed 0 sodas, 1 cup of kool-aid, 2 cups of milk, & unlimited amounts of water in a day! They usually get the milk & Kool-aid with meals & get water between them. I think just cutting Mt Dew is gonna help me a TON! I am also watching my foods as well tho! I have been working on different projects around the house, so thats keeping me busy & distracted right now! Hope I can keep it up!
  • Mothercruncher
    Great idea!

    As far as August goals I need to focus on exercise. I have three kids starting school in two weeks..One going in to High School, one starting Kindergarten, and another going in to Head Start. My oldest's schedule is going to be insane this year and my youngest will need picked up in the middle of the day. My main goal is to find keep my daily workouts going and not fall in to my old eating habits like I'm apt to do when I get busy.
    And water. Must remember to drink water.

    As far as weight goes I'm hoping to lose 4 pounds. With all of the schedule changes I'm thinking that's not totally unreasonable.

    And good luck!
  • Mothercruncher
    Goals...I stink at setting goals lol

    Aug SW (7/26): 197.2
    Aug GW: 190 (I hope thats reasonable)

    I weigh in sporadically lol

    I have no clue how much weight is normal/healthy to lose in a months time. I am so new to this. Hopefully my goal is reasonable. I do tend to lose pretty quickly until I hit the 190 mark anyway! So maybe I can do it! I havent been drinking my usual Mt Dews :) I have my morning coffee (which i've tried to cut back the sugar in) & then I drink water & Kool-aid the rest of the day. If I would set the same rules for myself as I do for my kids I'd be in good shape lol They are allowed 0 sodas, 1 cup of kool-aid, 2 cups of milk, & unlimited amounts of water in a day! They usually get the milk & Kool-aid with meals & get water between them. I think just cutting Mt Dew is gonna help me a TON! I am also watching my foods as well tho! I have been working on different projects around the house, so thats keeping me busy & distracted right now! Hope I can keep it up!

    I was a heavy mt. dew drinker, too! I dropped 5 pounds just by cutting out pop (this was before any other diet changes and with no exercise). But man, it was tough! That's all I wanted. LOL
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Goals...I stink at setting goals lol

    Aug SW (7/26): 197.2
    Aug GW: 190 (I hope thats reasonable)

    I weigh in sporadically lol

    I have no clue how much weight is normal/healthy to lose in a months time. I am so new to this. Hopefully my goal is reasonable. I do tend to lose pretty quickly until I hit the 190 mark anyway! So maybe I can do it! I havent been drinking my usual Mt Dews :) I have my morning coffee (which i've tried to cut back the sugar in) & then I drink water & Kool-aid the rest of the day. If I would set the same rules for myself as I do for my kids I'd be in good shape lol They are allowed 0 sodas, 1 cup of kool-aid, 2 cups of milk, & unlimited amounts of water in a day! They usually get the milk & Kool-aid with meals & get water between them. I think just cutting Mt Dew is gonna help me a TON! I am also watching my foods as well tho! I have been working on different projects around the house, so thats keeping me busy & distracted right now! Hope I can keep it up!

    Cutting out soda is HUGE! Good for you for taking that step! And I don't think your goal is unreasonable. In the beginning, I lost 10 pounds a month. I was eating a 1400 calorie diet and exercising 4 days a week.

    I'm excited to see your progress!! :)
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    Great idea!

    As far as August goals I need to focus on exercise. I have three kids starting school in two weeks..One going in to High School, one starting Kindergarten, and another going in to Head Start. My oldest's schedule is going to be insane this year and my youngest will need picked up in the middle of the day. My main goal is to find keep my daily workouts going and not fall in to my old eating habits like I'm apt to do when I get busy.
    And water. Must remember to drink water.

    As far as weight goes I'm hoping to lose 4 pounds. With all of the schedule changes I'm thinking that's not totally unreasonable.

    And good luck!

    Holy crap, girl! You've got quite the schedule! But I know you can do it! The best advice I can give you is to PLAN. Planning has always been key for me. I input the food I pack for the day first thing so I know exactly where I stand (and if I have any wiggle room). You can do it!
  • Emar11
    Emar11 Posts: 246 Member
    This is a great group. As Mom's we all understand that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, its often ourselves that get neglected.

    My goal for August is to get past this 10 lb pleatau I have been on for the last year. After losing 50 lbs I kind of hit a roadblock, While I have been able to maintain my weight, I have been fluctuating between about 191 and 181. I usually am around 185, and have not been able to get down below 180. This is my August goal. Finally getting past that number.

    Aug SW (7/22): 186.4
    Aug GW: 179
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    -Committing to 30DS (already started and I'm using 5-7 lb weights)
    -Also do Ripped in 30 (first time ever doing it!)

    -Healthy fats and high protein diet (I'm bfing)
    -Limit processed sugars (my body reacts terribly to it when I have too much and it's usually just in the form of iced coffees every day)
    -Less chips and unhealthy snack foods (chips are my downfall)

    -Focusing more on measurements than actual weight loss (the scale drives me bonkers!)

    I think I'll actually be able to manage for the month of August because my husband will be working much closer to home (7 minute commute versus the hour he used to drive) and will be home to watch the kids while I exercise after work before he heads off to work himself.

    Good luck to everyone!!! Let's make August a fantastic month for us!
  • Mothercruncher
    -Committing to 30DS (already started and I'm using 5-7 lb weights)
    -Also do Ripped in 30 (first time ever doing it!)

    -Healthy fats and high protein diet (I'm bfing)
    -Limit processed sugars (my body reacts terribly to it when I have too much and it's usually just in the form of iced coffees every day)
    -Less chips and unhealthy snack foods (chips are my downfall)

    -Focusing more on measurements than actual weight loss (the scale drives me bonkers!)

    I think I'll actually be able to manage for the month of August because my husband will be working much closer to home (7 minute commute versus the hour he used to drive) and will be home to watch the kids while I exercise after work before he heads off to work himself.

    Good luck to everyone!!! Let's make August a fantastic month for us!

    I just wanna give you a high five for breastfeeding :-)
  • swatkins7485
    swatkins7485 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm going to keep this simple, I have been stuck with the same 5 pound loss then gain for a long time so I'm going to make sure I keep at my calorie goal and not go over, along with doing my C25K program I started over a week ago and get under 135 pound mark (137 right now) that I haven't seen in like 2 years!!
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    Great idea!


    My goal is to drop 5 lbs, but it would be great to even lose a couple wihtin this time frame. I also want to improve on my lifts I started this month.
  • chandanista
    chandanista Posts: 986 Member
    Aug 3 I am doing a 5k, I want to be under 40 minutes.

    SW 7/26 is 170. Goal August weight is 165. Weigh in on Fridays. I look forward to it :)
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    I like this idea!! Okay here I go for August!
    August SW:145.5
    August GW:140~I also weigh in every Thursday or Friday!

    My August goal is to get the last 5.5lbs off and then figure out how to maintain!!! I would also like to go back to consistently working out 3 to 4 times a week!! August will be a whole new struggle and challenge for me as I am returning back to teaching after being a SAHM for the past 4 years, and my oldest will be starting kindergarten! I want to continue to have the success I have had through this whole journey!! Please feel free to add me!! I need some more moms to keep me on the right track!!
  • Mothercruncher
    I like this idea!! Okay here I go for August!
    August SW:145.5
    August GW:140~I also weigh in every Thursday or Friday!

    My August goal is to get the last 5.5lbs off and then figure out how to maintain!!! I would also like to go back to consistently working out 3 to 4 times a week!! August will be a whole new struggle and challenge for me as I am returning back to teaching after being a SAHM for the past 4 years, and my oldest will be starting kindergarten! I want to continue to have the success I have had through this whole journey!! Please feel free to add me!! I need some more moms to keep me on the right track!!

    Lots happening for you! Good luck!
  • lmsky12
    lmsky12 Posts: 32
    Great idea!

    My August goals:
    -Lose 4 lbs. SW (7/27): 162.2 GW(8/30): 158.2
    -Log my food and exercise everyday.
    -Exercise everyday.
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water everyday.
    -SURVIVE my first month as a NEW teacher and a STUDENT.
    -Enjoy time with my family every weekend.

    Good luck with your goals everyone! Take it one day at a time, and celebrate each small victory! :)
  • crisdai
    crisdai Posts: 60 Member
    great idea!
    for august:to do not go over my claories and stay as close as possible to 1400.
    get under 160
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    Great idea!

    My August goals:
    -Lose 4 lbs. SW (7/27): 162.2 GW(8/30): 158.2
    -Log my food and exercise everyday.
    -Exercise everyday.
    -Drink at least 8 cups of water everyday.
    -SURVIVE my first month as a NEW teacher and a STUDENT.
    -Enjoy time with my family every weekend.

    Good luck with your goals everyone! Take it one day at a time, and celebrate each small victory! :)

    Good luck as a first year teacher! I've been teaching for close to ten years, day and night school, and I still get the jitters on the first day!!!!!
  • keriberi9
    keriberi9 Posts: 159 Member
    Great idea! I'm in :)

    August starting weight (7/27)- 176.2
    August goal weight- 171

    I am a stay at home mommy of a 3 year old and a 13 month old. Biggest goals are staying within my calories daily and getting in exercise during nap time and during the day with my kids! Hardest for me is staying within calories when out of town or when people visit. I've been stuck and want to get below 170!!!
  • MsGuMama
    MsGuMama Posts: 17 Member
    7/29 SW: 170
    8/30 GW: 164 (thats 1.2 lbs per week)

    Starting my C25K program this afternoon. August goal will be to stick with it.

    I have a hard time making time for myself to work out because I come home from work to my 51/2 mo old. I need to just put him in the stroller and leave within the first 30 mins of being home or I lose my motivation. He is VERY active and tires me out pretty fast.
  • kgerm317
    kgerm317 Posts: 191 Member
    So many awesome goals! I love that this is catching :) Can't wait to see how everyone is doing at the end of the week!