News, changes, and official workarounds

robinmarkz Posts: 93 Member
Since the acquisition by Fitbit of Pebble's intellectual property rights, we have been regularly kept informed of changes.

The biggest changes involve the move from cloud-based connectivity to Bluetooth only. This will not eliminate the marvelous Pebble Store. But you may have to follow new advice regarding how to enter the store to find apps or to do various housekeeping jobs with the phone app.

As soon as these announcements arrive, we will let you know. From everything I've heard and read so far, your Pebble should work very well for many years. So, you need a place to find what you need to know to get the most from your device. This is that place.

As of June 2017, not much has changed. But the plan is to move off of a variety of cloud services to Bluetooth from and to your phone. We will be here to assist any of with the technical issues you need to know.